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Everything posted by backlash

  1. Yeah... actually that's what currently happening to my Lionfish as well!! So the white coating will just disappear like that? I don't have to do anything?
  2. Ermm... Well... Actually if I'm not wrong, if you request fish shops to set up aquariums for you, they'd most probably have to come only once and are able to dump everything in at one go BECAUSE they use aged coral sand and sea water which have been cycled already. So to them it's alright to dump everything at one go since their sand and water has already been cycled. What I said was just based on my guess, though, because I think it'd be really really #*^@ed up if they really just dumped everything w/o proper cycling. And with regards to plankton food, I just like to ask if using liquid food is enough for corals? I don't have to buy other forms of plankton diet, right? I use the coralife one. Been using it for some time already. And what do plankton tablets do? Do they add floating plankton to your tank as well after they 'dissolve' or 'break down'?
  3. Yeah... so technically white light (with a good spectrum; 10000k or so) is better for corals since corals will use more than one spectrum of light and that's why most aquarists use more white... and use blue only for aesthetic reasons... to let their corals glow and stuff. But actually I do believe that corals CAN survive solely on actnic lighting if the wattage of the lighting is enough. Since only actnic blue light is able to enter into the deeper parts of the oceans after all the other spectrums have been cancelled out. I have had store owners telling me that corals cannot survive solely on actnic though... So... which do you guys think is true? Corals CAN survive solely on blue, right?
  4. Yeah... so technically white light (with a good spectrum; 10000k or so) is better for corals since corals will use more than one spectrum of light and that's why most aquarists use more white... and use blue only for aesthetic reasons... to let their corals glow and stuff. But actually I do believe that corals CAN survive solely on actnic lighting if the wattage of the lighting is enough. Since only actnic blue light is able to enter into the deeper parts of the oceans after all the other spectrums have been cancelled out. I have had store owners telling me that corals cannot survive solely on actnic though... So... which do you guys think is true? Corals CAN survive solely on blue, right?
  5. Hey you know there's a store called Spotlight just next to the Tampines MRT station? It's below Challenger (the computer store). The section facing the casheirs is a whole section selling clean sea shells. Some of them will be readily accepted by hermits. Bad thing is that you have to buy the shells in packets so alot of shells at once but they're realtively cheap. I used to use them for my blue hermits and they love the shells.
  6. Ermm... well, I got my coralife 10000k lights for my 2 ft tank for $60 but I heard other places sell it slightly cheaper. With regards to your anemone... I too feel that it's pretty risky having it in your tank because it might move about and cause problems... BUT if the lighting is high and it hasn't moved alot since the time you placed it inside your tank, it probably IS a happy anemone and will not move about too much. Besides, it would be a pity removing it since your clownfish has already bonded with it. It doesn;t always happen, you know. With regards to the filter... All I have to say is that I've been using Eheim for awhile now and it's a good brand. Just remember to remove the charcoal after it has served it purporse and run its course. Or Else......... And yeah finally you should really really read up on the cycle. If your tanks's not cycled properly, animals will die nomatter how good the equipment. You can use a biostarter like ammovec to speed up your cycle (since your tank's already filled with lovely critters) and your pets will be happier w/o the presence of nitrites. Hope I helped somewhat... All the best and Happy New Year.
  7. Wow.... It's really really beautiful!!! You know.... I really really really hope that there will be a particular area in the forum where we can put pictures of our tanks. Like... Singapore Reef Club Forums -> . M a i n . F o r u m s . -> Member's Tanks
  8. Hi I recently bought a lionfish and have been keeping it alive for about two weeks.. I've been feeding it with freshwater ghost shrimp (feeder shrimp), small tager barbs, and catfish. The foods that people use to feed luohans. I feed it a couple of items once every two or three days. My lionfish has been kept alive so far but I know things could be better... Here's the catch : I do know that eating feeder goldfish can cause liver problems. I wanted to know if the same problems will occur with tiger barbs and catfish? Ghost shrimps are supposed to be the best freshwater food for lionfishes, right? Will they too cause problems? If there are problems then what and how much/often do you guys feed your lionfishes? It seems to be impossible to get saltwater frozen food for lionfishes in Singapore. So what and how much do you guys feed your majestic lionfishes?
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