Ermm... Well... Actually if I'm not wrong, if you request fish shops to set up aquariums for you, they'd most probably have to come only once and are able to dump everything in at one go BECAUSE they use aged coral sand and sea water which have been cycled already. So to them it's alright to dump everything at one go since their sand and water has already been cycled. What I said was just based on my guess, though, because I think it'd be really really #*^@ed up if they really just dumped everything w/o proper cycling.
And with regards to plankton food, I just like to ask if using liquid food is enough for corals? I don't have to buy other forms of plankton diet, right? I use the coralife one. Been using it for some time already.
And what do plankton tablets do? Do they add floating plankton to your tank as well after they 'dissolve' or 'break down'?