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Everything posted by Francis67

  1. Want to give away half a can of Kalkwasser ( 200g) and around half 3/4 bottle of Trace elements ( 250ml). Interested ??? Pls drop me a sms @97773607. collect at Hougang or Kovan Mrt.
  2. So bro, u are the one at AM who bought these two yellow goniopora. So early at AM waiting.
  3. Left over stocks from last shipment at AM... fire goby scissor-tail goby white goby goldenhead goby nice size blue tang S M 1 adult blue face angel abt 4 inches anthias flagfinned angel S M leopard wrasse
  4. sorry guys... last 2 dispar reserved.... thanks for viewing....
  5. Got them from AM a week ago... Dispar abt 2.5 inch and sunburst 1.5 inch giving away cos tank too small for them. feeding well on cyclofreeze.... again no pic to show... Collect @ Sengkang mrt tomo evening. 1st come first serve... dun sms.... PM me... thanks....
  6. First come first serve!!!! PM me dun sms me low value cos never top up M card... Thanks... Sorry no pic... Feeding well and eats like a pig.... Takes pellets to brine to mysis scrimps....
  7. First come first serve!!!! PM me dun sms me low value cos never top up.... Thanks... Sorry no pic... Feeding well and eats like a pig.... Takes pellets to brin to mysis scrimps....
  8. Since no one wtb this BT... now i'm giving it away for free ... PM me.... thanks.... or sms me @ 93676033...
  9. Price reduced to $15... or maybe give me ur best price.... Thanks... or sms me @ 93676033 for more details...
  10. ard 2.5 inch blue tang for sell.... $20... price neg... Meet n collect qt any NEL mrt station... if possible tomo evening.... kindly pm me n leave me ur contact no. Thanks....
  11. Lots of watchman goby @ Reborn Blue Damsels @ Reborn Lots of Cleaner Shrimps @ Par*** Re** selling @ $6, $8 and $10... Blue Tang @ Par**** Re** selling @ $8 and $14
  12. Dragon World at Hougang Green... Lots of BTA, lots green,1 purple n 1 white... Lots of buttons, 2 sponges 2 blue tang 2-3 inches.... juv korean tang 3 stripes damsels cleaner shrimps
  13. I just bought 1000ml yesterday for $65... The last bottle in the shop.. is it cheap???
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