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Everything posted by rickster88888

  1. Great looking tank there!!! BTW does your dad need any godson? Cheers
  2. Eh how do their ric grow till so nice?... Do they split naturally or do they glue them one by one?
  3. Bro paisay a bit..... But are all cats furniture spoiler?... Trainable? Always wanted to keep cats but know too little abt them.
  4. Great tank there Bro care to comment on the wavebox? Ur tank got so much circulation liaoz still need the wavebox ar?
  5. What has friendship forever got to do with a bao?
  6. Eh dude .... If you dont like coffee, dont say it is bitter and not nice, say you dont know how to appreciate
  7. All time favourite ... Moonlight shadow by Groove Coverage
  8. Hi all, I am looking for 2 pc of pressure rated pumps. Pls pm me the age, price, brand and flow. Thank you very much Cheers Rick
  9. Great looking tank man... R u planning to use any chiller?
  10. Bro, May i know where u got those ventilation fan for the cabinet? ... Are they noisy? Cheers
  11. Wads GHA ? Its a real pity to close down the bueaty...
  12. Haha ... excellent idea. Get up the bus first and pay later? haha
  13. Have anyone saw any black clowns in any LFS b4? Those black body with white stripe only....
  14. Is the shophouse for residential purposes? Personally feel that it is damn cool to live in one...
  15. First time see ppl using those sliding door on a tank... Very innovative leh Bro wad size ballvalve u use on ur sump ... Looks damn big man!!! Keep up the good work
  16. Very nice Love the placement of yuor clams ...
  17. May i know what is so bad about the dead spots behind the rock?
  18. Bro... ur "chey" very expensive sia... Hmmm i always thought the tunze is too big and that the wave box might look better....... Thankz for the review anyway Cheers
  19. Gotta know the height of the sump to the cabinet in order to estimate the flow rate.
  20. Bro .. pharmacy dun have meh?... After reading the link above, it seems like some very common vitamin which can easily bought.... but i haven't try asking around yet
  21. I just comment based on the picture u posted
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