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Everything posted by rickster88888

  1. Looking for those plastic thumbscrew too... Pls do let me know where can get...
  2. Is there any review on aqualight testkit? Dont think many reefer in sg uses this....
  3. Hi all, Does any one know where can i buy those picture frame clamps? linke the one shown here...
  4. Bro no offence but i just thought it is damn funny... hahaha
  5. Haha... So how does electric shavers got to do with new to the marine aquaria hobby?
  6. If earning $$$ is so easy, then i study so hard for what?
  7. Bro your seahorse can survive?.... Coz i read before it cannot take the water movement in a reef environment. Also it feed too slow.... Can share a bit more detail, tempted to keep one too...
  8. Aiyar nvm lah.... Eventually it will be moved to this new tank mah Remember to post more pics the the new tank is up
  9. Bro you can find a lot of info at www.ppcsg.com Generally the review for the mini is quite good.
  10. Bro, honestly speaking with a chiller and becket in your room, you can still sleep? not noisy and hot?
  11. Read somewhere before that driving at 90kmh is the most efficient for a 2 litre car. How true i dunno
  12. Eh paisay my english not very good... Let me re phrase it... haha What i meant is that we just plug our equipments into the wall 3 pin socket and the wall 3 pin socket is connected to the box of timers. This way maintence is much more convenient. Hope you understooded what i say ... Also y u din use digital timers? Feels more reliable... haha
  13. Eh can we wire the timers to 3 pin sockets like those on our walls?
  14. I gotta learn the way he cough...
  15. Hi everyone, Looking for a used daeil 1/3 hp chiller and a controllable tunze. Please do PM me if you have one for sale. Cheers Rick
  16. Hi guys, Just wondering how many of you guy out there pipe ur overflow directly to your skimmer or other equipments? Is it possible pipe the overflow directly into the chiller as well? Trying to find ways to reduce the no. of pumps and let gravity do the work.... Electricity very expensive leh!
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