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  1. Hello, I have a set of Tunze Macro Algae Reactor 3181 for sale. Body and pump all new, have not touch water before. I have used the LED lights for around 15-16 months. Selling @ $360.00 Collection @ Teck Whye area, after office hours / Jurong area, during office hours. Thank you!
  2. Bought mine from Coral farm. I think it is like 2-3 dollar per piece. Looks like the same species as the gong gong sold at hawker centre. Interesting creature to watch. Thanks for all the information!
  3. Got back in the hobby after many many years. Used the caribsea shapes for my new tank which is around a few months old. Fish only tank, but planning to have some simple corals when i have the time. So far it is a positive experience, no major algae outbreaks, but i am using GFO ever since i added water in the tank. I simply rinse them in RO water to get rid of the dust and throw them in the tank. The purple colour will fade a bit after 2-3 months, which personally i am not too concern with. Box comes with arches and caves, and it makes the aquascape relatively easier. Only negative point i can think of is the price. A bit expensive for a few piece of man made rock.
  4. Hi everyone, Just a quick check if tiger conch or fighting conch are available at our LFS. If you have seen one recently at any LFS, pls let me know. Thanks Rick
  5. I guess i went to the wrong side instead of the right side... Thanks again!
  6. Thanks man. Was there a few days, but the door was closed and no one around. Sounds like a stupid question, facing the main gate, they are on the left or the right?
  7. Hi all, Like to check which LFS have live copepods for sale? Preferably in the west side. Thanks!
  8. Hi Solo, thanks for the info! No time to drop by the shop yet so just browse through their website to take a look.. Are you referring to the DE rocks? Are these also similar to the ceramic rock from Germany? Any chance you are also using them? Cheers Rick
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