Hi Guys,
im using a Teco RA680 for my 4ft tank and have this funny idea on how to save $$.....as not to get the chiller run all the time....
Im currently running on 2 x 150watt MH.......
I have set my Teco to 26 deg and it will only run if it hits above 28deg (2deg differiential).
My Idea.......
To use a fan to maintain the tank temp not higher than 28 deg so the chiller will not activate (i have maintain it around 27.8 deg). As my MH is running for 6hrs a day, the chiller will be resting for the rest of the day (18hrs).
the temp will shoot above 28 deg only if the MH if on........ Thats where the chiller will be working.........other than that, it will not activate...
Guys, what do you think of this..........???