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dr evil

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Everything posted by dr evil

  1. a 6ft sting ray........good for BBQ
  2. bro kueytoc see u in farm also using a star wars T shrit ya........u super star wars fan ya Hard to find kakis nowadays.... maybe everyone is shy
  3. some not nice sight......my skimmate
  4. i have a couple of these butterfly....tinkeri
  5. some updates........it been sometime
  6. rather than u add the number of bulbs, why not use a diamond reflectors? that will easily cover the 2.5ft width. my 2 cents
  7. AA niaga pun tak bagus. dengar berita angin dorang nak tutup kedai... Sekarang niaga pun susah....lagi2 kedai banyak buang harga
  8. If u are taking about fishes and fowlr, i think bro Maculosus is the most experience of them all...i know he keep alot of rare species and handle them with care. As for this hobby, its true that reefer must learn the hard way to suceed ( trial n error). Just merely reading from books n forums will only give u a small percentage of knowledge. Bro Maculosus, seen that u have cut down alot of your LS. Any nice angels to let go??? Cheers
  9. arg, it happen to me too....even u use the most high tech equipment. There should b a source of the outbreak As for me, it happens twice even when im running ozone and i quarantine all my new fishes. Some says that is a new tank syndrome. funny thing is, we share the same fate.....the last few outbreak, the earspot angel survives...thats a good sign as it is one of the most expensive fish hope u can overcome the outbreak. Part of parcel of keeping fish
  10. nice when they are young but the shark will out grow your tank very fast. Unless u have a very large tank to house them. Futhermore, sharks need optimum water condition to do well.....
  11. yap, sgd18 for a pair of yoyo ( 2pcs) during this offer only. It does not come with the stand but u can get the frame easily at any hardware shop. Good if you to hang your reflectors.........neat, cheap and good.
  12. no worries bro.....u can look up my humble tank pics in the member forum.
  13. using replica rocks, u will not get the natural biological filtration which u will get from using LR.
  14. i noe someone who wish to upgrade....let me check with him ya
  15. Hi bro, I also use to keep a 4ft tank and upgrade to a 6ft tank. Normally for such upgrade, most of the equipment cannot be used from the 4ft. Basic for a 6ft fowlr base on my exp. 1) return pump - 8000-10000L/H ( good turn over rate) 2) Large Skimmer - That will be base on budget (support up to 1000-2000L) 3) Ozoniser - Find a good brand like sanders (min C200) 4) Lightings - 5ft T5 is fine....im currently using 2x80watts only Partition tank will be fine for fowlr. Make sure u have a width and height of 2.5ft which will be great. LR can be used from the existing setup. Chiller is not required Estimate spending - @ 6-10k basic setup with good equipments.
  16. bro Mag, U get poisoned ya after surfing too much in SRC.... im also a 4ft upgraded to a 6ft....hehehe
  17. what ever they want to say lor..... so, anyone? hehehe.....
  18. wah bro....u still around ya. That was history lor.... checking for those interested.....hehehe
  19. use to have many reefers gatherings.....now it had been so quiet coffee session anyone?
  20. here u goes guys........group buy
  21. yep, coming in by this month......with other goodies. It will be SGD18/pair maybe i should create a bulk order list for this item since afew show interest
  22. yep, coming in by this month......with other goodies. It will be SGD18/pair maybe i should create a bulk order list for this item since afew show interest
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