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  1. I have the contact details for several marine livestock suppliers! Details copied by a friend from shipment boxes left outside LFS in Lor Halus. But I suppose an import license is needed before we could do anything.
  2. The same problem happened to my one of my clowns and an angel at different times. Fortunately, both of them survived the disease. For treatment, I merely transferred the fish to a quarantine tank and kept it under observation. As for the main tank, I just increased the amount of water that I changed after removing the fish. It took a few days for the swelling around the eyes to subside before the eyes turn clear again. Nevertheless, this problem should not be taken lightly and you should consult the more experienced hobbyists. I'm still a novice in this hobby.
  3. I have a pair of tomato clowns in my 3x2x2 tank. Yesterday, one of them went on a sudden rampage and badly injured a wrasse and a maroon clown. Its behaviour is now more aggressive than usual. For many months, it has lived in harmony with the other inhabitants. I also noticed that the tomato clowns are slightly more 'intimate' compared to the past. Are they a potential breeding pair? What should I do next?
  4. Marine plywood will cost significantly more than other types of cabinet material. Sealife quoted about 2K for a 4x2x2 overflow system housed with a marine ply cabinet. But the material definitely looks solid and offers peace of mind.
  5. Hello guys, Please count me in. I'm planning for 4 x 2 x 2 overflow. hp: 9699298. A recommended maker quoted $330 for display tank, $120 for wrought iron stand, $420 for 4-ft sump tank (3 compartments) and $25 for piping. Thanks.
  6. May I add the mudskipper blenny to the list of possible solutions for tackling the brownish scum? I added two MBs to my tank recently and have noticed them grazing the diatoms that grow on the glass. I can even see marks left behind by their circular jaws. But they cannot solve the problem completely. I suppose manual scrubbing and regular partial water changes are inevitable for many of us.
  7. Dear all, My father-in-law is an experienced pipesmith. He is currently working as a supervisor in a local shipyard. I think he is able to help me to construct a protein skimmer. However, I need to provide him with specific details, especially those pertaining to the type of material and dimensions. FYI, I need a reliable PS for a 4 x 2 x 2 tank. At present, I'm using an external PS for my 3 ft tank. I would appreciate if anyone in this forum could advice me on DIY PS. In return, I would try my best to offer assistance in this area if everything turns out well in due course.
  8. Hello AT, Happy New Year. I'm just asking this question out of curiosity. Where do you host this site? You have been doing a great job and I appreciate your labour.
  9. Bawater, Thanks for sharing your contact with us. FYI, the owner quoted $2,200 for the main tank, sump and cabinet. He claimed that 'heavy marine wood' would be used to construct the cabinet and showed me his display tank. But I don't think it's necessary for me to spend so much. Happy New Year!!
  10. Last night, I visited a LFS to make an enquiry on the cost of a 4 x 2 x 2 overflow tank. The owner quoted $2,200 for a plain vanilla setup. However, he mentioned that I could also get a system for just $1,200 at the expense of the quality of the wood for the cabinet. Hmm.....what is the 'best' price that one should pay for a reliable tank that offers peace of mind that it will not collapse in the middle of the night?
  11. Many thanks for your swift reply, eprouve. No problems with the language and the glass edge. Will call him asap. Thanks again.
  12. Dear enthusiasts, I'm planning to upgrade to a 4 x 2 x 2 overflow tank to keep corals and fish. And I'm running on a shoestring budget. I would really appreciate if someone could provide me with the details of reliable tank manufactuers that charge reasonable prices. Many thanks and Happy Chinese New Year.
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