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Everything posted by peong

  1. Going to house my adult tigertails here to train them feed on mysis, a isolated cage like this will helps the horses to easily look for food even with a little plate, best in red color, further the yellow cage will also helps to bring back their original color. FYI, a yellow seahorse will never change to red or orange even u decor ur environment into red or orange. All items can buy from Diaso...
  2. Hi bro jammer, thanks for your kind word, but everyone stand a chance to win over the judges, what competitor needs is trusting themselves, get the right theme with understanding of requirement. Well, perspiration can leads to exhaustion psychosis also, kixiao! As I no only doing the competition tank, but also a 6ft, 2.5ft, 3ft and a very special species nano tank coming soon... Kixiao liao...
  3. In term of bio-bacteria build up, I can only rely on my sand bed and the bio-media in the back filtration since I not have live rocks in my set-up, and here is my sand bed preparation reaching to about two months of maturity, of course, the concentrated nitrifying bacteria will continue to add in till the end of competition so to ensure there will be enough bio-power to remove the organic waste. Here is my sand bed in the cycling process.
  4. Fountain water soaking in action, I will need to change water daily a week then change to sea water so to ensure my horses n ponies are free from toxins.
  5. Wah bro, need u to handle with care... Very high responsibility... Haha...
  6. Wanna see more funny idea? coming soon for the corals selection... Okay, 1st to come are the GSP and Zoas, or I call them "green grass" and "sea flower". Haha... I think you guys knows what I intending to do next...
  7. Yes, I think so... haha... Never mind lah, just for fun, anyway, I believe reefing can be an art also, what to do, kids like seahorse, they like imagination, I just wanna create a totally unusual set-up for them, of course, I will try my best to convince the judges too, Merry Christmas, Kids!
  8. End product today... and going to soak with water tonite... Size: L16xW10xH14 inch
  9. Here are the paint materials... Mainly white cement's itself, acrylic paint and acrylic epoxy spray... The acrylic epoxy spray was what I had been used in the past which I painted my 3ft seahorse tank the other ornaments and was proven very safe for my Reidi and others horses, Now I even coated with another layer of epoxy resin to enhan the protection.
  10. Here is the clear epoxy resin comes with 4 liters of Base and 1 liter of hardener, usually ppl using it to paint the outer layer of ship to prevent metal in contact with sea water and become rotten. So, basically, my ornament is all coated with this epoxy resin to prevent all toxic chemical leaks into the aquarium. Of course, it's wise to use less toxic material unless no choice.
  11. Haha... I need to use the bottle to model the base part of the pillar... Do you know my wife and I had consumed 5 bottles of vitagen after our dinner just because I have 5 pillars in total. Same to the wooden substances, they were coated epoxy resin to prevent from water rotted.
  12. Of course, the skin paper we need to coated with few layers of polymer resin to prevent from water rotted, pastic tube needs to fill up with white cement and sands... Finally, I need few bottles of vitagen liao... Guess why?
  13. The greek pillars, mainly tubes, hard skin paper, wooden bricks, pvc pipe glue, etc...
  14. Yes, be a horseman for so many years I think this is the reward gained, specially wanna say thanks to ah beng also, he is always a nice boss to all the reefers, even I told him that the sea fan I going to buy is not only a sea fan but comes with a tiny creature which is priceless, he saw it n took a picture then passed the fan n pony to me without a single request. So bros, I expose myself just to tell u that u need to support him, buy more n get more, but pls don't call him all the time to ask for whether there is a Bali sea fans shipment coming in... Cheers!
  15. According to my plans last one month, I had now came to my stage #8 -- Add in DIY ornament and decoration Last week till today, I had been busy all the time for my first DIY ornament in my life, as I decided to go for a classic greek pillars looking, I had been go round Singapore but couldn't find a suitable one at last, so I decided to DIY to the size that I want. Here some pictures will tells you how I go about it: 1. To model the base I used polyfoam because it's easlier to get the right shape that I want. Of course, polyfoam is a floawing substance, so I need to add on more weight to it with the white cement and sea sands, that are the materials usually uses in the DIY live rocks.
  16. Just for some ppl might wanna have some idea of what's copepods, you can click the links below for more videos and info.. http://www.livingree...ipods-t558.html --- Information and Facts About Copepods & Amphipods
  17. So, having decided to go for this challenge, I had settled the source of food supply for the ponies, that is live copepods, they are the swimming type and comes with high nutrient that the seahorse's fry needs most. Of course, the two adults will be feeding on frozen mysis.
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