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Everything posted by loster

  1. hihi, i am looking for used Aqua Bee 2000/18W pump. let me know if u have one to let go
  2. i have bubbles on my SB too. same type of bubble that in the william's pix. i started my tank in mid nov 2004. and the bubbles appeared since jan 2005. it stared from the front view of my tank and it spreads toward the mid of my tank cos i can see it at the side view. at first i don't know what it was and i stired the SB a liittle to clear some bubbles. however, the bubbles still appeared on the next day. the bubbles appear even when my lights are off. it could be nitrogen i guess.
  3. hmmm...anyway, last try...don't know why no pix Skimmate
  4. i tune it to wet skimmate... i am asling for $80 neg. PM me if you are interested Skimmate
  5. yapz...my model is AS-150P and the needlewheel pump is 1200l/h. Needlewheel pump used: AS-100P 1200l/h AS-150P 1200l/h AS-200P 1800l/h AS-250P 2000l/h AS-300P 2000l/h AS-350P 2000l/h http://www.aqua-macro.com/product.htm hope that this will help and clear your doubt.
  6. teban garden (between jurong east and west coast)
  7. thanks for your compliment and got a lot to learn from you buddy and thanks for willing to help me out when i am not around
  8. hehehe the chili red brain is my favour lah... will see anyway, actually u have a nice red zoo
  9. macro needle wheel protein skimmer type: as-150p specification: dia 10cm, h=47cm max capacity: 600l pump: 1200l/h (needlewheel pump) used since 20 dec 2004
  10. hihi, anyone selling used tunze magnetic holder, pm me. thx
  11. will be clearing some corals on the top for new addition in july onward the leather corals will be move to my 2ft tank some of my lpsz have already moved to the lower level... will continue move somemore... more space for the top this is my update full tank view in the month of march...still changing
  12. right view... got a lot of space... i will be away for a month, in june. so, the new addition will be start in july onward.
  13. i did some changed to create more spare for future development. have some plan hehehe but got to upgrade my skimmer 1st... left view of my tank
  14. my small x'mas tree thanks to mellow
  15. my favour...it come with 3 colours... green, purple and red cool
  16. bought this normal xenia few day ago... still has not open fully wonder why....
  17. my mushies conner trying to create this conner for all my collection of muchies and yuma...me poor student, so the collection will be slow...
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