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Everything posted by loster

  1. hihi, i am selling off my 2ft tanks lights and pump. just transfered all my LS, LR and carols to my new 3ft tank 1. MH150W (47cmx40cmx13cm) internal ballast, 3 months old bulb, 10000K - $130 2. 2ft Dymax T5 light sets (used 3.5 months) - $17 3. 2ft PL light - white and blue tube (used 6 months) - $12 4. 1ft PL light (9W) - $2 5. 2ft FL light (blue tube) - $10 6. 2ft PL light - white tube, 39W (used 6 months) - $15 7. Eden rotating pump 214 (used 6 months) - $15 8. Dymax pump (1200l/h) - $5 9. New Dymax T5 blue tube - $20 10. Jebo canister filter (used 6 months) - $15 u can PM me.
  2. hihi, wanna selling away my live sand from my old 2ft tank. total: 40kg. selling at $2/10kg. interested pls sms me. 97668307. me staying at the west.
  3. hihi, i bought a few fans for my new set up. and i have one extre which i don't really need it. didn't use it at all. still very new. it is: Macro Aqua - AC cooling fan. Specification: 8cm x 8cm Applyto: 3-4 ft. Tank ultra SILENCE and noisy FREE Multi-angle adjustment i bought it at $38 from one of our sponsor here. selling at $35 (still new) PM me if you are interested.
  4. hihi, i am looking for 3ft single tube FL set or 3ft PL Actine light set. if you have any, PM me.
  5. hi aquabeAnz, i currently use this pump for my 3x2x2 for return. i guess it is just good for me your choice
  6. i am still looking for used weipro skimmer 2012/2013 without pump.
  7. hihi, i guess i will also looking into PL blue light for 3ft. i am looking for used weipro skimmer (2012 or 2013) without pump. let me know if you have any. PM me
  8. hihi, me again anyway, i am looking for 3ft dymax T5 blue tubes light. do let me know if you have spare. just PM me. P.S. those earlier posts (external pump + AC fan) i have bought from the brothers here. thanks for those who PM me
  9. it is profantec fan that i am looking for
  10. HiHi, i am looking for used AC Fan. do let me know. just PM me. thanks
  11. hi hi, I am looking for a external pump with flowrate 2500l/hr - 3000l/hr. Please pm me.
  12. Hi Hi, i am interested. i can collect it tomorrow early afternoon. my college just near by. you can contact me if your rock is still available to give away. 97668307
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