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Everything posted by loster

  1. having big plan? hehehe. must share with me hor...
  2. finally i caught both of my hermit. their shell size is about 3 - 3.5 cm
  3. i will try to take the pciture when i see my hermit. it is hidding now. can't find any of them. it usually busy when at night.
  4. i have two and both are healthy. it have been with me for 3 months and both moulted a few time. bought it at $8 each and selling at $8 each. collection @west. thanks.
  5. this is just base on my personal exprience and conclusion. not a theory. what i notice is that my clam opened up very big and out of sudden, it stopped opening up. i didn't bother about it because i thought it was ok since it opened up big few days back. i also notice that my cleaner shrimp started to do the "cleaning" and my clam did closed up but not fully. i didn't bother because i thought the shrimp is doing it job. and i guessed my clam closed up because it was bother by my strimp. it did bothered me after 1 week because my shrimp still doing it "cleaning job" and my clam hardly any respond. so, when i took it up and take a closer look, i realized that my clam is dead (i guess it just died since it not rot yet) anyway, this is just my conclusion at that time is that actually my clam is dying and the shrimp was trying to eat up what is there. i didn't blame my cleaner shrimp at that time because my shrimp don't usually bother the clam when it opened up big. only when the clam started to close but not fully, the shrimp started to do it cleaning job on the clam. so, this is just base on my own experience. i may be wrong in my conclusion
  6. i have that experienced before. when i saw my cleaner shrimps "cleaning my clam" i thought it was ok. didn't bother it. after a few days, i noticed that my clam won't open anymore. and when i took a closer look, than i realized that my clam is already dead but not that long. just enough time for me to remove it. so, i guess the cleaner shrimp is the first one to know about my dying clam. that's why they started to nibbling it. that's also confirmed what henry (ML) claimed
  7. sicce micra with modified epoxy impellor pump for internal recirculation
  8. hihi i am looking for Rio 20HF. if you any spare, pls PM me your offer.
  9. WM for your hospitality:peace: and tips Now I don’t need to endure the noise in my overflow box very beautiful tank. learned a lot from you
  10. selling at $30 (the cost price) PM me if you are interetsed. Collection @west.
  11. don't know why i can get it big...anyway, i got this pix from the old thread. my KR look somthing like this. Picture_clipping.pictClipping
  12. Still in good working condition. maintian it well. used for about 7 months. Selling for $100. reason for selling: upgrade plan. note: 1. i m using a sicce micra with modified epoxy impellor (to withstand high pH) from cookiemunster. 2. For it to work, you would need to hook it up to a water auto-topup device (eg. Coral Labs TUBBY). collection @the west. PM me if you are interested.
  13. in fact, my fishes usually won't swim near it...they are smart i guess don't know why my small clown end up there anyway, the elegant must be very happy after it has a good big meal. guess i won't feed it for next 1 week
  14. aiya...so sorry. it is "clown"...my mind was not thinking straight after i saw elegant finished it full meal. now, it is still fulling open at the otherside throughout the night because i can still see the fish is inside.
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