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Everything posted by loster

  1. don't know why my pix didn't appear guess my pix size is big *problem solved" anyway, PM me if your are keen to buy
  2. yellowish-green brown octo (2 heads) however, it won't open as big as my brown and green frogspawn. don't worry, it is healthy *made another pix appear*
  3. hope that pix appear *I have made your pix appear *
  4. Round shape - brown frogspawn - it can open really very big with just 1 head Rectangular shape - green frogspawn - 4 heads Oval shape - brown with yellow tip torch - 3 frag small head (very stable) oct
  5. hihi, i will be selling some of my healthy LPS. i will be away for a sometime soon. so, i am trying to create less maintenance for my family to handle not giving up Brown frogspawn - i head (when open it is big) = $10 Green frogspawn - 4 heads (when open it is big) = $20 Light Yellow brown Octo - 2 heads = $20 Brown with yellow tip torch (3 heads but small) = $10 collection @teban gardens.
  6. i was there late...the light was off. i couldn't see the colour well. it comes with few small pieces only
  7. how many PL light u intent to install? inverst a good skimmer so that you don't have to upgrade again
  8. anyway, selling: acans nice red-green blasto neon green candy cane
  9. LCK110. was there yesterday a lot of LPS prata - mostly green brain - alot of red and green cynarina - red (very small - medium size) white xenia bubble hammer torch candy cane (a lot) Lobo (can't see the colour) fox blue mushies (i think. can't see it colour clearly without light) a few acans but not selling a lot of yellow tang
  10. good lesson to from from the story. will think twice before i say something when i get irritated by friends at time
  11. i guess quietone have 6000l/hr. can't remember the wattage though. may be red dragon
  12. i guess it is necessary cos the flow will get weaken. not just for the wave maker pump...i also got to clean my return pump once every 3 months.
  13. i have 3 pics in my tank now. all opened big and started to grow a lot of small clove. all about 3 months old. i place the 1st pic where there is mid current flow and it settled at the mid of my tank. 2nd pic, the bigger one at the high flow at the higher side of my tank (250W MH light). the 3rd pic, it didn't open for 2-3 weeks cos i keep shifting it to the suitable location. now at the bottom of my tank. once it settle, it started to open don't worry, it will open when it is settle
  14. "Single computer license is S$248, family pack for 5 computers in a single household is S$388.." me getting family peck... but i am sharing with my sis, and my bro-in-law... hmmm... still got 2 empty slot...
  15. i want i want anyway, ya, i read a lot good review of tiger of how it has new/improved features that added over 10.3 i can't wait to intsall it... after tmr i still got 3 more research papers to work on till end may... waited for G5 powerbook oso... guess they still can't solve the problem of over heating huh macmad, share more of your new finding of tiger...
  16. me got to wait till i finish all my assigments and papers before i will do the major formating and installation of tiger mac is away the best and virus free
  17. see what it did to my poor little clown fish... the elegance took more than 4 hour to finish it
  18. hahaha...i almost wanted to call u this morning and tell u that i am not selling i miss it when i was away for 5 weeks last year, all my corals from my old 2ft tank were alright but not my big green elegance. so better let someone else take a good care of it. be careful when you place it either near hammer, octo, torch... they are can't get along very well. one branch of my octo lost it war and died only prata can live peacefully with it.
  19. hi yiling, nice knowing you. must show us where you place your new pink elegance. and show us how big it open when the light on
  20. hahaha...i am sure ur new set up will be much, much better because of your exprience yes sir ur small prata is in the good hand just nice for my cramp space
  21. i m a mac user too...using powerbook. i will wait a while before i tiger
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