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Everything posted by loster

  1. i have 2 bubble corals left... sad to say i need to clear this pic. my flow in the tank is too high and it has not enough spare for to expend this pic is 2nd big bubble i have. it is light green colour. the big bubble type. very healthy. no feeding require. with good water parameter, temp and lighting, it is good enough me selling it at $35 neg
  2. hard to get at $200 for your tank size. at least $300. u can try and wait for chances of someone sell at $200 for at least more than 1 years old chiller
  3. hey travy, i realized that high temp also causes coral bleached. so, beside water parameter and lighting, do watch out for temp. normal temp for any coral range from 26-28 deg celcius. u wanna nurse my green prata back to it health
  4. sound great guess i shouldn't worry about it since i still can't find it, forget it
  5. me run FR since day one. i am using Aquaz Purphos for about 5 months liao. wanted to change the media but my P04 still colourless from my test kit i also use carbon. i change it every 4 weeks. so should be alright i am still looking for the screw whenever i check on my tank. hope that i can see it some day
  6. ya... copper sound scary man the screw is from DE MH light. it should be iron it is small, so, it will be like a small ship wreak in my 3x2x2 ocean
  7. i got this unit oso i have not start it yet in total, how much media u add in the main tube?
  8. aiyo... i told u i will come back before end june mah the trip is very good. now i am preparing for presentation on this coming wed meeting. hope that more will catch the vision anyway, happy belated birthday bro your exams coming?
  9. hahaha... got caught red handed by you at reborn ok, i will try... was busy last month.
  10. will update soon...now no camera trying to borrow it from my bro-in-law
  11. aiyo... lorensla me back already i came back on 25 june so sorry i missed your birthday
  12. it looks like coraline algae to me. if it is hard, it should be coraline algae.
  13. really can't find it hope it will disappear soon
  14. really? good my tank size is 3x2x2 and the screw is small type. less than 1/2". searched for an hour, still can't find it if it will disapper, it will be great
  15. i am using 250W with 10kk, mix reef. so far my lps is doing good. i don't target feed them and it grow real big. if i will have lps only tank, i will go for T5 HO. less heat
  16. you are right bro if i run zeovit, i will go for bb. anyway, i still prefer sand i am using ssb
  17. hmmm... i don't even know which area it dropped. i will trying tomorrow. hope that i can find it. really very troublesome thanks for your advise
  18. this morning i was working on my MH light. i unscrew on one of the side section. when i was done, i screwed the section back and .... i dropped one of the screw into the tank i have searched for it but couldn't find it. i suspect it dropped into the hole of my rock work now, if i leave the screw inside the tank, it will corrode and rust. how? should i just leave it or remove all my rock and search for it? it is going to be a big worked out man if i remove everything it is ok to leave the screw inside the tank?
  19. wow nice cyn wish i can get it from you but my sandbed is full. that's why i have to sell mine too upz for you
  20. update: 1. Green Alveopora = $20 (reserved) 2. cynarina = $20 (reserved)
  21. thanks for all your interest. the bubble and zoos are reserved the min after i post it. will update if the coral is still available.
  22. i have 2 green bubble frag to give away. it is growing well, stable and healthy. in addition, i have 2 rock of normal zoo to give away as well. pm me if you are interested. view and collection at teban garden rd
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