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Everything posted by loster

  1. those who interested, just leave your PM. i will get back to you. if i delay, give me sometime. been very busy lately. thanks
  2. ya. it is a great product. if i am still keeping sps, i will surely use it for zeovit system
  3. wow, alex, glad to see you again in the forum how's your new settlement in china, Suzhou?
  4. hi all, i am selling the light set without bulb @$100 only view and collection at teban gardens
  5. i put mine on the mid-hight under my MH 250W (run 5 hrs a day only)... the colour is much more deeper and more "patten" on it mantle show out. i can never acheive that when i run 8 tubes T5 with 10 hrs a day
  6. that what i mean hehehe thx thomas
  7. personally, i don't think by placing on top with strong light will kill it. you will noctice the change in your clam colour only.
  8. wow!!! time really flied. you are out of NS now. last time i met you were before your enlistment (if i can remember correctly) very glad to see you around again
  9. very nice zao collection you have there
  10. you may wanna check how long the media has been used. if it has been used for a long time, you may have to change the whole media. ARM media will not desolve after used up. are you using ph pen or prob to measure your chamber ph? i guess there are a lot of air trap therefore "air-lock" in your CR. this mean, your C02 bubble count is more then the water outlet of your CR. unless your CR has the design of air re-circulation or by-pass. you may off your C02, release all the air in your CR (fill with your tank water till no more air in your CR) and re-tune again. this may help. try not to have more c02 bubble count then your water flowrate at the outlet.
  11. what CR media type you use? how do you measure your CR chamber Ph? you need to increase your bubble further in order to increase the chamber Ph. you can never increase your tank Ca through CR. CR will just maintain your tank Ca and KH.
  12. having a black base look cool. very classic looking with black base and black background i believe you are going to use MH light. it shouldn't be a problem. it does provide enough brightness in your tank. hehehe... i was using 3x250W MH last time
  13. it is "jam free" reactor still available
  14. old model ATI 3ft 3 t5 tubes light set = selling $130 only view and collect @Teban Gardens
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