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Everything posted by loster

  1. some of my zao collection. i have this frag for exchange. still can't find any suitable potential exhanger
  2. took under MH light. it looks blue under t5 (blue+) and purple under MH (20kK:) rolleyes:
  3. have been busy lately and MIA for a while. anyway, while celebrate my daughter 1st month birthday yesterday, took this opportunity to take some pictures. now, i am more into soft corals easier and they are more colourful i stop collect clam for a while because some of my clams died for no reason. so far, no water change change carbon, rowaphos every 2-3 months... that's all.
  4. guys, i will repond to your PM soon (been busy this few days). as i still look into consideration of the exchange
  5. hahaha... i am sure your regals will love it. if had some zao in my past sps tank. after i intro regals in, all my zoa (most are eagle eyes) were all gone within a week . it was spreading very nicely on my BB with my zoevit system.
  6. hi Edna, which frag you wanna exchange? i have the green one if you want the 2nd frag, i can give it to you
  7. hi, thank you so much for the pic. i have that frag in your pic
  8. hahaha... still got clams. but lately, i have 3 clams died suddenly for no reason one died few weeks back and two died just last friday. they were ok in the morning and when i came back home... gone so, got to put on hold on the clam. dare not get any new clam for time being now, building up zao garden easy and i have a sleepless night for last one month. being a parent is not easy
  9. hehehe... very tempting to get it and use it for Denitrator
  10. hi, it is still available. i am selling it at $160
  11. i wanted to... if i am a student again. then i will have more time to test water parameters (sg, mg, ca, kh, n03, p04, orp, ph...) every week. and i can do weekly 5% water change, cleaning up the back wall of the tank, once in few months do the spring cleaning on my pumps, tunze and sump. daily, doing zeovit dosing...man, i can't believe i used to do all these in the past. are you still using back your CR? 6055 and 6045 sound good. u still use back your MH? must drop by your place again one day
  12. hahaha jack, you still come back to sps great! i am lost touch of water parameters and water change, so dare not try it anymore
  13. Selling 3ft 4x39W DE T5 HO set for sale @ $180 neg
  14. hahaha... ya, nice to meet you too and both of us pick softies instead of sps i remember, whenever there is a shipment, my eyes always glue on the sps now, i am no longer interest on it anymore. i would just look out at colour softies instead
  15. hi, we met at GO when you pick your pipe organ i was there
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