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Posts posted by Travy

  1. looking for red rose anemone.

    any lfs got them ? hopefully in the east side. :thanks:

    AH beng's at pasir ris

    A few rose bubble tips.

    Also ALOT of bright colored regals angels and emperor angels.

    Red sea sailfin's , powder blues/browns and Dispars too.

    Iwarna have alot of nice solar wrasses. Cute cuttle fishes too. And a variety of gobies.

    Dunno wat type but can remembered them being the banded and yellow shrimp gobies. Antias... and hammers/torches.

    Pacific marines

    Alot powder blues. Copperband, long nose and 8 stripe butterfly fishes. The 8 strips have under one inche in size. Very small.


  2. i guess you have learnt a lot during this period of time... may be unknowing, u have trained yourself to be more patient in thing you did. and i believe you will be wiser whenever you make your decisions and choices in your reefing and in life :P

    keep your pix coming bro :P

    cheer :lol:

    Wiser and more patient? Definately man...

    Read up alot during these few weeks... nothin gmuch to do ma... Very careful abt wat fish/corals to buy... steps to introduced them to the main tank.. etc etc.

    Lets just hope this doesnt happened again ya? HAHA!

    Eh now my main tank can almost rival yur pods tank liao... shld see it when i'm feeding my corals and the main lights are off. SWARMING MAN! They are like crazy missiles... Maybe time for a mandarin in a couple of weeks? :lol:

  3. Harlow loster...


    No lah Added in my 4 clownfishes abt three days ago. Test water.

    DOing great! Dashed into my green bubble tip immediately after swimming out of the fish trap. :lol:

    Next will be my soldier fish, Then YT... and finally The powder blue. All three been in the QT for almost 2 mths liao... :snore: Dunno how i can tahan so long also...

    Been stocking up on cheapo LPS for the past few weeks. Finally got my long time fav.

    Blue mushies!!! haha!

    Will take pics soon enuff. ;)

  4. i have also had bad experience with a tetra NO3 kit. Reading was close to 50. When I used another (better brand) kit, the reading was a more believable < 10. Tokk a water sample to an analytical lab for analaysis (damn expensive!) but it confirmed that te real level was 4.7!

    I wonder if some of the test kits here are past their use-by date when we buy them. Some sit in hot shops and even in direct sunlight. Chemicals don't last forever.

    hmm.. just checked... the kit is abt 5mths expired... <_<

  5. care to share the result of the tetra test kit .

    if i am not wrong , u still need to divide 4.4 from the result .

    anyway u can try to get another great test kit from tropic marine or salifert to confirm ur reading.

    in my opinion , quite impossible that ur reading is off from what u describe unless certain unforeseen circumstances , situation occur


    The reading was quite shocking at 100.

    No idea too man, Beats me. By the way, do the growth of coraline reduce NO3 to a certain extend too?

  6. Hi bros/sis,

    Is it possible for a tank to have an off the chart reading of NO3 in a fishless tank filled only with live rocks and LPS?

    No feeding was done for the past 2 mths. Corals like torches, pratas, stars, yumas, mushies and lobos all opening up nicely.

    COuld it be the test kit? Using tetra NO3.

    Kinda confused by it. Filter wool changed every 1 week with a 20L water change.

  7. Oh.... i see mine is at the bottom of my 150w.. i had 250 w too.. maybe i will try shifting them...bro ozy the polyps is opening and its very healthy but it is funny that it is growing longer and longer... my fren with only 150w had his zoos doing just fine... thanks all buddy for the swifth reply

    All a helpful lot :D

    Longer and longer... hmm On the bright side...

    Maybe they are just happy to see you. :P

  8. another place will be iggy's.  a bit more ex but food is good too.  There is a menu (de ca scion  don't think the spelling is right) where they serve you 7 to 8 small dishes and they will couple with wine that goes very well with the dish.  for this, you will need at least 3 hours for the meal to slowly enjoy the good food and wine.

    I have to go with blenny

    Iggy's at regent. FANTASTIC!

    They serve fine french cuisine. And u can have a different glass of wine to compliment each course. Man.. was there once, unforgetable. ;)

    Must try their foie gras brulee. Dont know if they still have that... but i'm such they'll be more then happy to arrange it for u.

    Also do call them in advance. Ig does great arrangements for special occasions... :lol:

  9. Bro dont worry.

    I kanna the same thing too.

    Heres wat i did.

    Get a QT. Get all fishes out and into the QT. DOse medication in QT. Leave tank fishless.

    COming to 2 mths liao... cannot TAHAN ANYMORE!!!! So these few weeks me have been upgrading my systems, corals and did bought new fishes but place them in QT too.

    Hard lesson i've learnt. All fishes must be QT for min. 2-3 weeks no matter how healthy they look when u bought them... Be safe then sorry bro.

  10. For the copper band. i have a way, if u r really desperate...

    Buy a small cheap anemone and place it into yur tank. This should encourage it to start pecking at it...

    It'll kill it eventually but probably by that time u'll start it off with other foods.

    Dont flame me... it works for some. Taught to me by a friend.

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