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Posts posted by Travy

  1. bro.. ur powder blue look like not stable.. hmmmm.. i shall be the "hao ren" i help u keep in my tank.. wan? =x haha.. nice fish leh! but the yellow tang color machiam drop sia.. have ma? look abit whitish. haha..


    Love it at first sight when i saw it in the packing bag. Most alert and color best.

    YT still recovering lo.. so long in QT... haha... heng still alive ah. :P

  2. Was there last saturday night abt 8pm. Saw the AT dead. Upside down trapped between some rocks... in teh middle of the tank somemore. :cry2:

    Haiz... tot of going down every weekend just to see the fish i cant keep. <_<

    I agree most of the tangs are in bad condition... sunken bellies... itch... Black patches on the body.

    Maybe they should just stick with a tank full of colorful damsels.

  3. Last.


    Comments on my tank or flaming my photiography skills are much welcome.

    Yes i know i suck... Tell me something new. HAHA! And yeah... i hate the return pipe at the top too... :nc:

    Looks like some hairy monster dipping some of its parts into my tank... :erm:


  4. Another tang i have. Powder blue. Kept in in the QT for abt 3 mths... after the itch breakout that killed my inhabitants... i decide to go for the over kill for new tangs.. :lol:

    Sorry if any of u guys need to strain yur eyes to see my pics... :paiseh:

    SHaky hands still there...


  5. neck long long

    Still waiting for the cam or X"mas.....................  :nuke:  :heh:  :heh:

    Haha. No lah.. where got neck long long... Its not even xmas! :P


    Bought 6 dispar, 2 died in teh first week. Both alpha males... think they can eat due to their damaged jaws after getting trapped in the net... :( The remaining 4 after spending 3 weeks plus in my QT finally in my main tank.

    Bought 11 small chromis.

    1 killed by my PBT in the QT.

    1 Sucked into over flow... died. :(

    1 Jump out and died on the floor... :cry2:

    Left 8... Luck number? <_<

    Here it is....


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