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Everything posted by Travy

  1. ohh... so sayang.... But hope it finds a better BIGGER home!
  2. Travy

    Sun corals

    Woah.... okok will continue to try. I place them on the sand bed where they are slightly shaded. Hope they will be ok....
  3. Bought two colony of sun corals. Been in my tank for almost 1 week. They seemed rather reluctant to open fully leh... Only half way at most.... The rest of my corals are doing fine. Wonder what am i doing wrong? Anyone can help?
  4. Woah... although not full tank shot. See til my eyes 'huey' liao.... B E A U T I F U L !~
  5. Seen a couple of specimens at pasir ris. The ah beng shop. Quite large in size, abt 3 to 4 ". Very nice color, dont know abt the price u hav to check it out. Pasir ris farmway way, go in from the main road then do a rite turn, the second entrance on the rite.
  6. Kinda nice.... Will make a cool pet!!!
  7. I think the 'ah beng' shop still have... saw two full cartons of it when i was there on tues. Good LUCK!!!
  8. The size is about 4", Very nice colors and nice tear drop. Sorry to reply late... busy lah... hope its still there for u...
  9. Tested it on a pail of water... so far so good. In the middle of putting up my sump system... (aka sticking glass and all...) and after that hav to do piping all.... anyone offering free help? HAHAHA!!!
  10. Juz came back from pasir ris. Cycle there, off day mah... Updates: I aquarium: (Aka first one on the rite when u go in...) - ATs (REally fine specimens... Bright colors selling at 7*, Arrived last night, See liao can drool man... ) - sun corals (Got a number la, but choose 2 best ones myself. hee ) - Tons of YT (YT season man...) Thats abt the new stuff... Ah beng shop. (Aka the second one on the rite.) - Lots of Flame angels (about 3*) - A couple of pygmy angels.... (Cute and VERY CHEAP!!!!) - potteri angel... (hope i got teh spelling rite...) - Bat fishes - Square antias.... NICE!!!! - one Kole tang. (very nice color) - copperband Butterflies And a few nice angels. Iwarna... (The one further further in... mermaid signboard) - RED FLOWERPOT CORALS!!!! (saw a few, wanted to buy but too expensive... 5*) NS dont pay that much.... - Alot of power blues - Flame angels - Sighted a pink ric and a pick exotic yuma in her new display tank! Very nice color... guess it'll be too expensive for me la... but for u guys who can afford, u can go check.) - not much liao... open brains.... a few clams.... not much Sps but the elegance are nice... *** disclaimer, the 'prices' r what they qoute for me lah.. maybe u guys get it cheaper lor... if so.... NEXT TIME BRING ME THERE WITH YOU!!!! Cycle there from my place kinda tiring so might missed out some stuff here la...
  11. Nice BLASTO..... I WANT>>>>
  12. I will go with Passion... and A BIG bank account! But then again.... i have a 'budget' tank...
  13. East side, Bedok reservoir area. Currently reserved but will inform u if he backs out.
  14. HAHAHA! So scary! BTW thanks for the OverFlow rockfish!
  15. HAHAHA! So scary! BTW thanks for the OverFlow rockfish!
  16. Have a leather coral to give away. Size is about 4inches. Not doin well in my tank as its too bright for it. Self collect in the east. PM if interested.
  17. Have a leather coral to give away. Size is about 4inches. Self collect in the east. PM if interested.
  18. WHich is which? More interested in the one that likes light... hehehe
  19. I encountered this problem with my mushies as well. My recommendations... check yur NO3, then move them to another location. They hav the tendency to detach if the current position in the tank doesnt suit them. Etc> too much light, too strong flow/too little flow. Hope it helps.
  20. Did i hear frags? Do inform me if yur selling Wanna keep small samples of different coral species.. haha!
  21. I know that for tube anemone... sometimes too bright lights will actually stress it. I think the medium lights for them means enuff lights to actually see them thats all lah.. HAHA! But they open better under the shadows of rocks and other corals.
  22. Pls continue the list if you guys witness any fishes or inverts that feeds on the below tank nuisances. Thanks! Cyanobateria 1)Astrea snails 2)Turbo snails 3) 4) 5) 6) Diatoms 1)Astrea snails 2)Turbo snails 3)Cowrie 4) 5) 6) Green algaes on tank wall 1)Sailfin tang 2)Sally light foots 3)Yellow tang (Mine does eat everything though...) 4) 5) 6) Hair algaes 1)Sea hares 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Detritus 1)Tiger tail cuke 2)Nassarius snails 3)blue leg Hermits 4)Brittle stars 5) 6)
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