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Posts posted by Travy

  1. Just checked my skimmer model, its a JS150L.

    Sorry i guess it was my fault, i didnt read up the specification on the display clearly.

    Was kinda bothered by the comment by my shopping buddy that i was ripped off.

    I sincerely apologise to Aquamarine for this big "hoo ha" it was my mistake.

    I shouldnt have made such an acqusition like that.

    And Janet i didnt and will never forget how uve helped me during my initial set up. Thanks alot.

  2. MSN here...

    1) kschew1498@hotmail.com

    2) jesperlam@hotmail.com

    3) giantbicycle@hotmail.com

    4) hihai@singnet.com.sg(penyu)

    5) djdazhu@hotmail.com (planetG)

    6) weileong27@hotmail.com

    7) farishkadir@hotmail.com(AlfaRomeo)

    8) ryanchan76@hotmail.com (lightningstrike)

    9)RiotOfTheHeart@hotmail.com (Spider1 )

    10) mun333@hotmail.com

    11) blueheaven636@hotmail.com

    12)g8dget@hotmail.com (ryan)



    15) nicholaslohkl@hotmail.com(nicholasloh)


    17)shoelevy@hotmail.com (shoelevy)

    18)kurtsunny@hotmail.com (sunny)


    20)junkai666@hotmail.com (FuEl)


    22)zhihong_chen AT hotmail dot com(aStRoBo|)

    23)honhon@hotmail.com (Hon)

    24)patrick123_123@hotmail.com (patrick123)

    25)jamesrock120202@hotmail.com (rockfish)

    26)goh_koon_chau10@hotmail.com(that was niceeeee)

    27)piglet_oinkoink@hotmail.com (piglet)

    28)subaru_impreza82@hotmail.com (burnerJ)

    29)devilsbar@hotmail.com (ReDDeviLs)

    30)ohjs83@hotmail.com [JS]

    31)travor_t@hotmail.com {Travy}

  3. ********* is very prone to such things

    i call them stunts

    clarified with her and she saes it depends frmo stock to stock

    some sotkcs frmo certain supplies more ex so sell more ex

    jus to gif u example...3mths ago i bought cl650 from them at 388...den it rose to 428 now its at 338....so.....u get wat i mean?

    But i thought theres always a standard selling price to the items?

    Cost price wont fluctuate so much no matter how few or many the units of the items mah...

    hmmm <_<

  4. What i did is that i take them out twice a week into a container to feed them.

    I flood them with cyclopeze and small bits of prawns. HAHA! worked quite well.

    Dont think AZ would have cause a problem. Been using that too... my suns are ok... maybe the black specks can be parasites? Try taking a closer look?

  5. Yellows and purples are good for beginners.

    But both can be quite aggressive unless provided a big tank.

    Both a small regal last time... kanna bully by my Yellow till got permanent itch... then have to give it away to save its life.. :pinch:

    When introducing new tangs there will most definately be a case of itch, it will normally clear up within a week or two, if not then something might be wrong with the water parameters or other tank inhabitants.

    My 2cents ;)

  6. one more important thing to add... once u position the elegant . dun ever shift it again.

    touching it causes it to die fast..

    ..... :nc:

    Now i know why mine says bye bye....

    Tempt me to try again.. hahaha! Next month la... find a small one. :D

  7. Yes.. I agree with the water flow... also calcium levels must be consistent... mine opens up even at night, just that in the night it is not fully open... I don't feed mine at all... and I never touch my corals unless needed....

    I see yur pic reminds me of my elegance b4 its demise....

    But mine's Greenish blue body with purple tips... :cry:

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