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Posts posted by Travy

  1. Anyone been there recently?

    Care to share about the conditions of the beach, facilities and the fringing reefs?

    And what abt that marine research center? Still there? Can go in see see?

    Planning to go there for a short suntanning trip.

    Need some updates bros/sis. :lol:

  2. I've read somewhere that underfed tangs have the tendence to nip at LPS.

    I found holes in my elegance b4 it wave byebye too... Suspected to be my YT.

    U can try having a crop of macro algae in yur tank to divert its attention... Might work but its too late for me... :(

  3. One male one female.... <_<

    SHowed signs of mating but guess my tank is too "busy" to allow for that.

    They are false clowns BTW.

    Been with me for almost 1 yr. Feeding very well and fat. Color is intense too.

    Looking to repopulate my tank so need to let my babies go..... :(

    Offer me a price yeah? Thanks.

  4. HAHAHA! Thanks guys!

    Yeah prata and curry... aioyh... :upsidedown:

    Just moved it next to my zoos and my open brain. hope its ok.... Med flow la... cant find anywhere in my tank with low flow... Thats the lowest liao. :lol:

    And Bro houndster... HAHA dont think u want la... not Red or anything. Just maroon with a metallic green sheen... HEEE

  5. Have one Cleaner shrimp to sell away. Getting abit too big for my liking.

    Body Length is close to 2" Long. Willing to let go at 12 bucks.

    Self collect at Bedok reservoir area.

    And oh have a Humbug damsel (the black and white Stripes one) at abt 1.5"

    and 3 green Chromis also about 1" plus...

    For Fishies have to give time allowance to catch hor...

    See how much u all wanna offer la. :P

  6. Where is the best place to put them?

    On sandbed? (No space...) On Rockwork? (thats where mine is now... Havent been expanding much... Bought yesterday.

    But the funny thing is that when i came home this evening, it has it feeding arm out stretched! :huh:

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