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Posts posted by Travy

  1. Dear seniors.... :P

    Need some help to recommend a cabinet maker as well as someone who can help me do the pipings for the overflow and return pipes...

    Really bad at jobs like that so really need some help.

    Thanks alot in advance. :rolleyes:


  2. Havent experience this first hand, but read somewhere that macros may give out certain toxins or chemicals in the wild to stun or kill nearby corals to compete for reef space.

    That may be the reason. Or maybe prehaps you should check yur water parameters and any signs of illness or parasites.

    My 2cents worth ;)

  3. wow , :thanks: for the website man shoelevy :bow:

    aiyoh so chim one har this Halle Berry show finger somemore....ok strike off my list :angry: anyway shes kinda of short as well :lol:

    you really passed Halle Berry's home in L.A. :whistle lucky you man

    all the ang mo cha bo damn swee man shoelevy(drooling , drooling )....Angelina Jolie is ###### as well but heard she has a weird personality. :(

    ###### + BAD + HUMANE (All the volenteering works..)+ abit CRAZY....

    Thats a stellar combination man! HAHAAH! :lol:

  4. Mine's doing fine under T5, i placed them in the mid level of my tank.

    I also fed mine pieces of garlic soaked market prawn or mysis about once or twice a week. Pretty hardy provided that u dont move them ard that much and provide them with moderate flow, juzt enuf to sway the tentecles.

    Hope my experience works for u. :lol:

  5. Looking to sell of my favites colony.

    Size is abt 4 Inches in diameter and 10 inches circumfrence.

    Colour is purplish brown.

    Good polyp extensions and good round ball like shape.

    Looking for 40 bucks but price is neg.

    Wanting to clear the space it is taking for other corals.

    Stays in the east. Prefer to collect on weekdays after 8pm, Hopefully by the week.

    ps> the colony is not bleach but the colors are slight patchy in areas.


  6. Looking to sell of my favites colony.

    Size is abt 4 Inches in diameter and 10 inches circumfrence.

    Colour is purplish brown.

    Good polyp extensions and good round ball like shape.

    Looking for 40 bucks but price is neg.

    Wanting to clear the space it istaking for other corals.

    Stays in the east. Prefer to collect on weekdays after 8pm, Hopefully by the week.

    ps> the colony is not bleach but the colors are slight patchy in areas.


  7. give it a little more flow and lights.. i did it for my neon pink one..

    Neon pink??

    Wow.... show leh show leh...

    My normal one open big big for abt a couple of months, then now can only see 'flower' no stem liao, didnt help when the shrimp keep disturbing it... <_<

  8. Just to share my experience...

    Mine 2 rock didnt ok for abt 3 weeks... Even started spreading to the adj rocks.

    But then after, slowly slow off. The turn brown and just crumble away...

    Found this huge feathery white nudi "abt 1" in length" Grazing on them... Removed it but somehow too late to save them.

    The rest of the colony which is not affected by the nudi somehow still turn brown and rot away... Place it in a good flow area, didnt dose iodine though. Could it be i over skimmed my tank?

    Heard that some softies, in fact a marority of sofies need somewhat higher nutrients laden water to thrive. :nc:

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