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Posts posted by Travy

  1. My 4 pratas displayed the same thing b4 they all go bye bye one by one...

    two of which ive kept for almost 2 yrs. They start by shrinking, then receeding one side... then the whole coral flesh is just reduced to the central mouth disc. No expansion of the 'mantle'. After that just die off...

    Change of water ditto, tests ditto... nothing seemed to be wrong.

    Then start to be suspicous of my Yellow tang.... <_< Its not uncommon for normally peaceful fishes to suddenly turn their attention to corals... Esp under fed greedy S.O.B.s like tangs.

  2. Hand carry definately cannot. unless you wanna get chase down the plane by the people there...

    Try your luggages la. The best bet.

    AS mentioned, no restrictions on check in luggages... Good luck bro. If can help me buy some nice fishes back too haha! ;)

  3. Hi Terryz, Yah can handcarry... but in less then 100ml of water la. And it applys to all flights long and short.

    well... The cargo area in the plane dont have temp control.

    And it gets abt -20 way up there... and if you r caught, via scans, random checks etc, u r again subjected to animal rights laws... <_<

  4. Ok guys. Just got a call from AVA.

    They said that the 5L 30 pieces of live fishes thing is no longer applicable.

    Since the 100ml rule. If u can keep yur pets in 100ml of water then well... good for u.

    The AVA rule now only conforms to land and sea travels. :erm:

  5. I did ask to put the fishes in my luggage and check it into cargo.

    But the lady at the check out counter said no, its too cold or something like that, but then where by my brain is just switched off. <_<

    Man! :angry:

    Anyways, i emailed AVA about the contradiction thing. If they make amendments. I'll put it here when they get back to me.


    The funny thing is... why 100ml of water? I think i missed the part where the world's geniuses decided that if someone carried 200ml container of water will put the whole plane in danger compared to some who has like ten 100ml bottles of liquid.

  6. Just came back from HK, Visited the gold fish street there.

    Alot of marine fish shops, tons of impressive corals and alot of fishes seldom seen in sg.

    Cant halp it, bought a few thinkin i could get by the airport. But.. Haiz... :cry:

    They told me that because fishes r in water... so unless the bag contains less then 100ml then they'll let me bring it on board.

    But the info i got from the AVA website said its ok leh... waste my Effort of carry two bags of fish ard hk...

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