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Everything posted by Travy

  1. Travy


    Yeah same. Just judge by the coral can liao. Just found out mine gonio is starting to grow back into its bare area. Those area has been there since i got it and now tiny 'flowers' are starting to appear there. I guess its an easy/difficult coral depending on individual tank. Like for my tank, everything can be well but i can never keep open brains... Kept dying after a few months.
  2. Yah la... after see his tank ah... ask me to post my tank pic somemore... Na Li Gan... how to compare...??? EH bro time to update yur tank thread liao ah///
  3. HAHA! Really ah? Hee can... also with the bubble i'm buying from u la. Yur holding tank nice ma... ITs like a PODS PARADISE MAN! Everywhere leh... Next time if i need will go fish some out from yur holding tank. HAHA!
  4. Aiyah... last time go there didnt tell me... Tot u said one reserve but a guy in tampines? He havent collect ah?
  5. Travy


    The one in my tank now is my second. What i learned is that once u put yur gonio in a position never move it again. Seems like they receed very fast after a few tumbles and moves.
  6. Wow... yurs can survive for 3mths somemore ah... How come still havent get its color back? Mine's still looking ok... but mouth still open big big though... hope it dont die... Hopefully my other prata will infuence it to recover... HAHA!
  7. HAHAHA! CAN~! You gimme ah? When? I go collect!
  8. Thats is a Beautiful specimen of Tomini Tang. The fins looks like they're on fire. Never seen them b4 though... tough as AT?
  9. Ohh... I just shfted mine to a low flow area too. Looks better now at least the 'mantle' is more puffy. But its mouth is still open. Tried to feed but the pieces of shrimp kinda drop out of the mouth. It didnt show any reaction towards it.
  10. Hey guys, wanted to start a thread to get bros/sis to share their experience to help Bleached LPS recover. Would be good to share this particular piece of information. ALSO... Just got a bleached prata from a friend and intending to nurse it back to health.... HEEE And also... do emphasize on TLC (tender LOving Care) if u put it down as a method ho.... Thanks tons!
  11. Travy


    Well i guess its really up to individual system. I known guys who not only kept theirs well maintain, the coral even spread and start to encrust nearby rocks. From him, he say a berlin sysytem works best for this type of corals, And also a tank which is slightly underskimmed is prefered too. I have mine for about 8mths. No particular problems. Havent spread yet but stll open up eveyday even when my pair of clown fishes are using it as host and looks healthy (Full) too). I dont know abt u guys... but i notice they do catch small pieces of food. Had witness it caught and eat small shreds of shrimp and clam meat when i feed my fishes. Had anyone notice this b4 too?
  12. The pink tip plate and purple plate is fab. WOuld hav got it if i had the space... U guys should take a look.
  13. Eh BRO ... why no updates liao... Tank so nice.... SO much changes from b4 also... Put a feature on yur 'pods' tank lah! HEEE...
  14. Bro, Trust the guys here u need more live rocks, much much more then what u have it should at least come up to about 2/3 of yur main tank to kick start the 'berlin' since u dont have a sump. ANd its also a good idea to invest in a protein skimmer esp if yur going FOWLR, prop u want alot of fishes. Esp tangs! They create ALOT of waste... Try reading up on past threads we all have posted, will help alot! I learn from there too! Great job for getting the fishes feeding. Most Tangs r rather easy after they adapt to the tank. U can try having a YT or PT they r pretty easy and common. And the zoos i think they are melting away due to insufficent lights. U can either upgrade yur lights or give the zoos away la. Save u the trouble to change water like mad should their demise... IMO overhead wet/dry systems r not really suitable for marine. Yes Ammonia nirites didnt appear but it'll contribute to rising NO3 (Nirates) in the future. Its a heap load of headaches trust me.
  15. BRo! Sad to hear that u are giving up... still hav that frag of pink tip frogspawn. Hey i'm interested in yur - montis - strip orange prata - red/green brain Hope to see yur pictures. UPZ for yur sales bro.
  16. Dude with yur attitude, i'll be surprise if u get any offers man. Dont flame people like that, if u r looking for a price then state it, if u ask people to offer their price thats what u'll get... their offered price.
  17. Wow.... very nice color. Sorry for yur lost bro...
  18. Was at his place to collect the reflector for my MH. Thanks alot BRO! ( ) See him hard at work outside his home. haha. Hard working man.... Very nice tank, can almost picture it fully stock...
  19. Yeah those where the days. I remembered the huge electric eels by the entrance (i think its up the stairs...) But Mainly fresh water hor... dont really remember seeing marines... Can recall a huge tank with marine angels... but dunno if its there...
  20. Guys looking for LR and sand to seed my new tank. Do message me if any to sell. Cheers
  21. Is it alive as in moving ard? If not prob that part had die off and thats its skeleton.
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