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Posts posted by Travy

  1. Bro,

    since u so free, mind helping me to rescape my LR???hahahahaha :D:lol: i want to rescape till like your lay.... :P

    HAHA! Free meh... :fear:

    Can no prob. Replied in yur thread liao... HAHA!

    Eh later really end up looking like my rockscape ah.. :lol::lol:

  2. hahahaha.. :lol:

    i will try not to touch any of my rock once it is set :P i have that when i first started my tank. now, dare not touch anything unless i need to :P

    happy reefing man. actually, now i am more and more lazy... just enjoy looking at my tank to see how much my sps colour up and wish i don't have to put my hand into the water again :P


    Felt like kicking myself in the head! <_<

    But now, looks ok la.. prob wot touch it again UNLESS i REALLY need too! <_<

  3. Not expert la... Later people flame me ah... :fear::erm:

    I'm a beach/nature person la, so i just gave my fishes an environment that i myself will like to be in. HAHAHA! Cheesy hor? :lol:

    BE THE FISH.... BE >>> THE >>> FISH>>> :P

    National day not a prob. Seen enuff of fighters liao. :heh:

    I contact u again on monday. Hav to go back base... :angry:

  4. Did the most stupid thing....

    Last night Thought that i would rearrange the rockscape alittle... end up. 4hrs till 1am, havent even get it done! :angry: So frustrated!!!

    This has thought me not to mess with a good thing once its there.

    Just arrange again... doesnt look as nice as b4... :(

    BUT... on the brighter note... PBT no longer have itch. :lol: Surprisingly fast recovery, tot it'll last into the next week. :P

    Prob put it into the main tank this sunday! :D

  5. Reborn have dead rocks. But u have to soak in fresh water for awhile b4 using. Cost abt 3-4bucks per kilo i think.

    Most fresh water fish shops and farms have them too. Looks very natural in a marine set up besides the obvious color... I use them too. Bought mine from pasir ris. 3bucks per kilo.

    Hope the info helped. :lol:

  6. wow :yeah: looking good friend :rolleyes:

    are you using 150W or 250W for your MH? be careful of the wood frame. MH is real hot when it is on... u know what i mean :P

    can't wait to see your tank finish cycle and fully stock up :P i like the shape of your rock :)

    Haha Thanks bro.

    Myself hoping to see the full set up also. :P But must wait... 2 more weeks... But the water parameters seems ok leh... Maybe put in clowns in first.. HAHA!

    Will using back my 150w MH. Did some revamp on the light set.

    Kinda concern abt the over heating issue too... thinkin of ways to go ard it...

    Heat proof paint? :lol:

  7. Bro,

    finally yr tank is up......dun forget wat u owe me ar......i'm still waiting hor....anyway keep the pics coming.

    I remember wat i ow u... HAHAHA! From quite a big bunch till like that... :ph34r:

    Scared my YT and PBT fight over food, so threw the whole lot in... and they decimated it... Need to go changi collect liao... :lol:

    Will have some for u dont worry. ;)


  8. New fish!!!!

    Ever since i started on marine fish keeping i realised that buying a new fish IS a cause for celebration!!!

    Havent bought any fishes for more then 6mths!!!

    New powder black from sentosa, Bought yesterday. Started eating nori the minute its in my Q tank. Now busy eating and 'making friends' with the resident YT. :lol:

    Colors not out though, prob needs to be in the main tank for awhile b4 its all black.

    Tried my best, slow reaction la, too fast a fish for me... :lol:


  9. Thats about all... waiting again for the tank to finish cycling. Now second week.

    Test are more or less clear. ( I think...)

    Didnt test for ammonia and NO2...

    BUt NO3 is registering at about 12mg/l... quite high ah...

    Using tetra test, heard have to divide by some numbers...forgot if its 5 or 2... Anyone? :erm:

    Anyway... stuff i use to cycle my tank...along with some market prawn.


  10. The MH will go into the middle frame, the area ard the MH (abt 1/2") is slightly flushed so the light set itself will not slide on the frame and topple into the water should some careless A*S decides to fiddle with the rocks and corals knocking it over... <_<:D

    Planning to fix up 2 T5s onto the frame soon.

    Heres how it look like.


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