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Posts posted by Travy

  1. Coral Farm...

    LCK 110:

    -Beautiful purple tonga mushies. Price pretty steep but beautiful.

    -Alot of Royal gramma. YES ROYAL GRAMMA.

    -A box full of golden neon gobies.

    -Lots of flame hawks and flame angels.

    -Nice french angels and spanish hogs in isolation

    -Tons of pratas, blastos and cynarians.


    - Heard indo shipment of fishes coming today at 3pm... hear from lady boss says alot of nice fishes. Bros pls update.

    Ah beng:

    Alot of new fishes...

    -Tomato clowns.

    -A couple of those damsels that looks like replendents angels...

    -cant remember liao...

  2. Coral Farm... :snore::snore:

    LCK 110:

    -Beautiful purple tonga mushies. Price pretty steep but beautiful.

    -Alot of Royal gramma. YES ROYAL GRAMMA.

    -Tons of pratas, blastos and cynarians.


    - Heard indo shipment of fishes coming today at 3pm... hear from lady boss says alot of nice fishes. Bros pls update. :thanks:

    Ah beng:

    Alot of new fishes...

    -Tomato clowns.

    -A couple of those damsels that looks like replendents angels...

    -cant remember liao...

  3. No pic update as yet.

    Got a new beckett. :eyebrow: From Bio-Ocean (Thanks Robin!)

    Fired for abt 2 weeks now.

    Man... never tot a tank with only corals and no fishes can actually have dark skimate. :lol:

    Now still continue waiting out the two months cycle...

    Itchy.. wanted to buy a few fishes to keep in mt isolation tank with my YT. So after one month just nice all add in. HAHA!

    Good idea guys?

  4. As for cured and uncured.

    CURED- those things what will die is dead. Thus ready to be place in tank. Can be expensive. Mostly $8 - $20 per kilo. :nc: Depending on quality, judge by the color la basically.

    UNCURED-those as mentioned, not dead but dying. And will continue to die in yur tank. Thus resulting is water parameters going off. Price depend on where u get them. $5 - up to $10 per kilo.

    But! There are some exceptions! Good quality uncured life rocks!

    These contain tons sorts of things that are still alive and kickin. Minimal transport time lag from harvest to retailer. But... cost wise can be more expensive then cured la. But with the amount of living things on the surface... who is to complain?

    Some info are extra la, but i believe its good for u to know yur choices. ;)

    Others feel free to correct me or add on. I'm no expert. Just putting everything to layman's terms. :lol:

  5. Bro, reading up is a good way to start la.

    But regarding yur rocks. Prob they have been out of water too long and the 'life' on the surface have started to decompose. Hence the white film on the rock.

    Try lifing them out and smell. If they smell bad. then i'm rite.

    (How bad is bad? Well trust me u will know it!)

    WHat u can do. Blast direct currents at the rock. Then wait a week. Then change the water again. Be sure to check the sg pls. ;)

    Check water with reliable test kits. And yur nose is also a good indicator to see if things really gone haywired.

    The hitch hikers leh... well.. depending if u wanna keep them. They make interesting occupants, but some are dangerous to other more sensitive marine animals. (Etc: some corals, shrimps, smaller fishes... and wat hav u.)

    In any case u decide to remove;

    Wat u need,

    -a bucket of mixed salt water


    -newspaper on floor

    -good light and most important...

    -keen eyesight.

    Dont suggest u dose with freshwater. Then might as well get dead rocks. Cheaper!

  6. Bio ocean has some new shipment of fishes.

    Juv Kole and orange shoulder tangs. Still Yellow in color, cute and healthy.

    Quite a number of anthias, Dunno what type. Orange pinkish ones.

    Moorish idols


    Clown gobies

    One small yellow frogfish abt 1" plus only.


    ot was a piece of coraline aglae in the beginning, till it started to move... :nc:

  7. I find that it is easier to keep rock beauty than regal. I've 2 rock beauty in my tank, they are feeding well with pellet or frozen food despite being constantly bullied by the more aggressive queen. ;)


    Man hardly hear anyone with success with rock beauty.

    Can show pics ?? pls...

  8. bro...sorry to hijack ... :paiseh:

    i have the same problem here.

    bot a prata about a month ago, but till now have not seen its feeding tentancles being out at all, and its mouth closed tightly.

    2 weeks ago i rescape my LR....and the prata must have got stressed, now some part of skeleton exposed and have algae growing on it.

    can i do the samething by cutting off those part of skeleton that have algae growing on it??

    and how can i feed it if it tentacles does not come out?


    Bro try getting it to feed first.

    Place it in a low flow area. Then place a piece of prawn on top near the ###### opening and wait... That'll prob help. It'll take the meat slowly.

    If not... then maybe water is abt off try to do some test. Pratas are pretty hardy and easy once their basics hav been met. ;)

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