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Posts posted by Travy

  1. ;) Dont worry over it la...

    "wan shi qi tou nan"... in chinese la.

    Further, got new tank liao ma. Haha. Starting a new tank is kinda fun... <_<

    Can have new ideas.

    As many said concentrate on yur studies first la. :lol:

    Not much LPS shipments now... sianz.. have also sky high prices.

    Seems like its abt time the singapore GOV should re-evaluate what my month 'allowance' man...

  2. SOrry to Hijack bro...

    I left my main tank fishless for slightly more then a month after my itch attack...

    Had transfer all my Fishes to my QT. Been under going medication. Last week did a change of water and replaced half the water in my QT with that of my main tank. But now my PBT is having a slight itch problem again.

    SO my question is, one month of fishless main tank to kill itch too short?

    Is it possible that the itch parasite may have infected the other LS in my tank (Namely shrimps, cuke and various LPS.) due to the absence of fishes?

    Really getting on my nerves as i have no answer... hope u get can help.

  3. Mine doesnt eat for abt 3days too.

    Think was due to shock la. Then after i tied nori over a piece of small rock and just threw it into that tank. Then wait lo. It'll nibble la. slowly at fist then slowly introduce it to pellets. Take some time and effort la, esp when the fish is not feeding when u bought it or when it just arrived. I bought mine at Pasir ris's Ah beng shop. Got it home while still in its shipping bag! :lol:

  4. On the topic of hybrid tangs...

    Heres a link i've found. If u have enuf dough... can order la.

    Achilles X Goldrim Tang


    Powder blue X Goldrim (Powder black) Tang


    What i feel is that for hybrid tangs, the only main prominent feature thats different is in the coloration and pattern of their tails only.. But still Great find if u can own one!

  5. Bro very nice tank and a unique design for yur sump too.

    Drove my tank maker crazy with mine too... ended up with mulitiple delays.

    But bro thing i have to bing up... Abt the way yur return is drawin water from the sump. Too many elbows leh. Could end up reducing the flow rate of the pump, and hence making the pump work harder too. Can try to improve on that?

    Just my tots. DONT FLAME ME AHH... :P:lol:


  6. Hey LoReNsIa


    I collect all my skimmate give u for now la. :P

    I feel that my sump is quite simple. Configuration wise is just made up of five 1 feet cubes.

    Havent finsih 'construction' yet though. Gonna make the sides, and doors. So people wont see all the bottles of stuff inside. :ph34r:

    Havent seen yur tank leh... post la! :yeah:

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