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Everything posted by Travy

  1. Aiyoh... so anti climax one... HAHA!
  2. Ermm... Used to have? Unsuccessful fragging?
  3. Bought a cowie home abt one month back. Seen it happily grazing on the diatoms in my tank, A couple of weeks back found that it started grazing on my sponges. Hope that fellow aquarists who have cowies can share their own experiences, as i suspect that that was the culprit that wiped out my whole colony on Giant green mushies
  4. You know who wants it... HAHA! SORRY!!!
  5. Not sure leh, the shop uncle doesnt advice me to do that.
  6. Hey! Thanks for the details minsmarine and marineman! In fact i drop by KL over the weekend, ' sorry marine man.. only read yur post after i came back... WOuld have called u when i was there!!! ' I went to this Marine LSF in KL central. (the address and shop name i forgot but i'll post it later when i get home) Nice LPS very few SPS though. And i must add most of the equipment and additives cost more then that in Sg, According to the Shop owner, they got their stock from a Sg supplier, great of him to even tell me that its prob cheaper to get them in SG On LPS, saw few nice specimen of moons and open brains. Great color intensity and in very good condition. Too bad i cant carry it out leh... the uncle says can pass the customs without CITIES... HAiz.... And even saw a luminous pink YUMA!!!! man!!!! Prices are quite good too, abt RM 50 bucks for the moons and brains. Next time i go i contact u guys.. haha then can go ard... see see but cant buy.
  7. Those guys are tough but still be careful lor... Chose the rocks properly and remove anything that looks dead or dying. AND SMELL THEM B4 buying! Jurong ah... not sure leh, i live in the east. But if u have the money can try Coral farm at LCK (Dunno if its near yur place...) Expensive but cured rocks. Most marine aquarium shops have lah, make it a point to ask them when their stock of LRs are coming in. So as to be sure u wont have anything thats properbly rotting half way at the shop and then in yur tank. T5s are not that bulky lah, They are tubes too but higher light output at the cost of lower heat production and lower electrical consumption.... (this is Impt!!! $$$) For a 2-3ft set is abt 50 - 70 bucks range lah.
  8. If he also reefer then damn SWAY liao lor... ahaha!!!!
  9. HAHA! woah 4 fans ah? Then yur evaporation rate must be damn high... HAHA! Me have to top up abt 2.5 liters of water per day. I agree with lightning strike. One shot add all yur Live rocks and let them cycle. Adding uncured LRs in the future after cycling, yur tank will experience the occasional spike in Ammonia and NO3... And thats what u want to avoid la. Why not save some money and buy another T5 fixture? ANyway now cycling process mah... The cheaper ones cost abt 50 bucks per set of two tubes. Then juz add on lor. And one thing to take note for air stone driven skimmer is that u have to change the wood block abt once every 2-3 mths lah. As the longer it work, the bigger the bubbles, the least effective it is. As for teh amount of LRs, me not so sure. Me run a half berlin, DSB and live rocks... Rojak lah. Looks more natural then a bare bottom tank. Should ask lightning on this...
  10. Aiyoh... me office hour is spent in my camp leh... My officer hardly if ever let me out one.... Hee.. we go visit yur house lah... Then psycho yur wife to go with us... HEEE>>>
  11. I think u better stop stocking fishes liao if u intend to keep some corals... damsels and clowns are quite greedy and can produce quite alot of poo... NO3 levels.....
  12. My tank has an almost similar set up. But i have a sandbed, use 4T5, a 2ft sump with dsb, a needle wheel skimmer a cooling fan (Too small a tank for a chiller lah, ex too... )and 2 rain bars from my return pump to provide ample circulation. I think u might want to add a cooling fan and maybe one more tube of light to yur system. And consider upgrading yur protein skimmer lah. Wont regret one. The corals i hav in my tank are 2flower pots, elegance, suns, octo, zoos and my yumas/mushies collection. The fan really helps to keep the temperture down.
  13. Eh why not arrange one day we go LCK lah... haha best if someone drives...
  14. The corals there so cheap!??! Is it possible to buy there and bring back?... Hmmm....
  15. I see i see.... Thanks!!!! Dunno can smuggle in the LPS or not... HAHAHA!!!!! Maybe can find some wierd stuff like a red elegence or something... HAHAHA! Hmmmmm
  16. I thought powder brown is the one with the poor survival rate? Apparently powder blacks do better in captive. But not sure leh... Any one have more inputs? Btw which is more aggressive?
  17. Most importantly... POSITIVE THINKING. Think of it as a nationality obligation, cant escape it, might as well enjoy yurself. Be garang but dont act smart. Aim for Navy or Rsaf if u want a better 'life'. At least dont have that much out field training lah. Me in RSAF.
  18. MUSHIES>>>>> SWEEEE... BTW where did u get the purple spotted one? Can frag?
  19. Already have a YT in my tang... makes it hard to intro new fishes.... Would loved a powder black or monk.... How much ah? PM me.
  20. The smart bugger got its base stuck firmly in a hole.... DAMN!
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