Man... This sugar method sounds interesting. Great reading!
Good job lizard44!!
Been battling with NO3 in my tank long enuff, tired liao. Gonna do what ever it takes.
LS in my 2feet tank includes,
-open brain, zoos, suns, cup, stars, frogspawns, hammers, mushies, yumas, xenias, feather duster worms, a couple of shrimps and a few fishes.
(Woah... quite alot for a 2 feeter hor...)
Running a needle wheel skimmer 24hrs, cooling fan, 4XT5s, no sump but a canister. Tank's abt 6-7mths old.
Gonna start the sugar method tonight.
U guys dose 3 teaspoons for a 4ft, so mine i guess i'll start at 1/2? then after a couple of days increase it to 1. (must give time to adapt ma...)
Will see how it works. CANT WAIT!!!!