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Everything posted by Travy

  1. Got some tips from bro loster. Bought some Dead rocks from fresh water farms and reborn to be used as a foundation. And guess after some time, bacteria colonisation and algae growth.. will prob look the same as LRs. A couple of months, maybe 6... but hey...Why not? Not in a hurry and... So much cheaper man! Left them in pails of water (Water used to test leaks) for almost a week liao.. coz did found some dead sponges and stuff... (Wanna make sure they are more or less clean B4 i put them into the tank to begin salt water cycle with LRs) ... no time to do much abt them also... need to work.. gym... computer...
  2. And how it looks like in my set up... This pic havent put the nylon yet... But rest assured... Grade 0 sand cant go thru.
  3. After finishing most of the work, had a piece of egg crate and some pipes left. So decide to do a plenum system to my new set up... Got some tip from bro rav65 too Stuff used, Egg crate, (dont ask abt the shape... levt over mah.)---> $18 3ftx2ft Nylon netting ----> $6 Pipes ----> dunno... Cable ties and fishing lines to put everything together---> free (Happen to find them ard...) And the result.
  4. My sump. Intend to fill it with Live rocks and prob hav an area for Injured or sick corals... Ya ya... anticipating that yeah....
  5. Finally got hold of a Digicam. After a long wait... Anyway, caught up by the trend and decide to start a thread to track my new tank. Here are the specs: Main Tank: 3ft (36") X 2ft (24") X 2ft (24") That totals up to abt 90 US gallons. With a triangular shaped overflow/underflow system. Sump: 2ft (24") X 2ft (24") X 1ft (12") Totals abt... approx.. 25 gallons? Abt there. Came up with my own wacky design after 'taking reference' from Blue heaven and other bros/sis here. Oh and do excuse the badly taking pics... Tried my best... Slow reflex, shaky hands and not so good camera la. My main tank pic.
  6. Good piece of infomation BH. But pardon my lack of Reef terms... WHat do mean but the algae turning vegetative and why isnt it good?
  7. Bro i need a pump to power my CL650 chiller. Do u think yur sicce extrema can do it?
  8. HAHA! then i chop his skimmer! THe NO3 dont worry la... 3weeks nia... wait awhile more lah. Then when finish cycle change 40% of the water then after a few days should be ok liao. (My method for my 2feet... dont flame ah..) OR... can try the teaspoon of sugar nightly thing. Works. but for short term la. Can help u cut down NO3 for awhile. Tried it. Find it troublesome... then didnt do liao but it works up to a certain extend without casualities... Except my xenias...
  9. HAHAHA!!!! Aiyoh!!!! Eyes so sharp... Got to be careful liao... Save money buy one ah...
  10. Which one leh? U dont feed it enuf is it?
  11. Woah.. yur chiller... I think need my 3mths pay then can afford. Then running cost... me can eat bread and grass liao.
  12. HAHAHA!!!! GReat idea! Eh... we go raid his house str8 away la. No need detour to my place. I book the red cyna! HAHAHA! Bro havent start a thread on my tank yet. (No digicam la.) Now... Tank-done Sump-done Piping-done Return pump-done Chiller (2nd hand)-done Base rocks-check Sand-check MH 150w-check Prob filling it up with water this weekend. Need to DIY actnics T5... Any lobang? Can wait to see my Babies swimming in a bigger tank!!!
  13. Hmmm guess there goes my idea of a fan worm patch.... Thanks ALOt diabolus!
  14. Was at iwarna yesterday. Saw some solar wrasses.... BEAUTIFUL fishes! EXtremely good prices too! Bros/sis can go check out if yur looking for it. Other then that not much... Acans is all i can remember lo.
  15. Thanks thanks! How abt LPS and Larger shrimps like Cleaners and boxers?
  16. Bro paiseh.. hijack abit. Since we are on cowfishes... Anyone can advise if they are safe with LPS and Larger shrimps (Eg, Cleaners and boxers)? Saw some very small ones at pasir ris last time. Less then an inch! CUTE! Thinkin of adding one (Maybe not the small one la, maybe the long horns) but hav to clear some stuff up. -Are they sensitive to water conditions? -Compatible with other boxfishes/cowfishes? -Do they readily adapt to aquarium life? Just wanna know from other reefers' real life experiences.
  17. Aiyoh... my tank where got things to karpo.... Mostly greens... Not like acidjazz mah... almost the whole tank blinding red liao. Esp that bloody cyna...
  18. HAHAHA! Scary pic... but i think its the mouths of lampreys Digitally pasted onto fingers... HAHA! Good one... freaky to look at even when i know what it is.
  19. HAHA! Remember abt my new tank? JUST got my sump from the maker this Monday.... @%*#*(&#^@!!! So have been having an empty tank standing ard for almost a mth! These few days had been busy doing the piping. Found out that he did a really bad job with my sump and even got the dimension of the outlet valve WRONG! House's a mess... Tank's been nelected... hahaha! Dont want to se la... gimme 2 mths.. hee.. i set up nice nice then invite u over. HAHAHA! Can pass u a culture la no prob but hav to wait awhile also... just threw out half of it... They gorw fast no worries... prob can pass u a handful by next mth. Then i bring over and drool on yur tank la.
  20. HAHAHAHAAHA!!!! WOW>>> touchy... But a good one!
  21. HAHA! Me went upstairs to pay for my purchase! Didnt bring enuff cash... (Didnt tot i'll see anything i liked... ) Then by the time i come down to collect my stuff cant6 find u liao! On the algae ah. Dont really know that exact name... Not as well read as some other bros here... Just happened to stroll on the beach, came across it, tot of feeding it to my YT, leftover put in sump... THEN It just started growing lo... Didnt even had a light for it, only exposed to indirect sunlight. Only decided to put in a light when it started to attach itself to the rocks in my sump. Wished i had pictures... But they looked like bunches of wires. Maroon in color, no visible leaves. I found them along The beaches of east coast and changi (Those opp the cargo complex). Generally, look for red or brownish macro algae as they require less intense lighting.
  22. Hmmm... I think i know who... Seen his thread b4... HAHAHA! Lets wait and see.
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