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Everything posted by Travy

  1. The left. 'La vertikal kliff' Wanted this look, and searched high and low for LRs that can do it. Found it and paid quite alot for them...
  2. Close up on the right "formation". Its basically an empty shell. Arrange it in such a way so it has the 3 dimensional look and also maximize various tunnels, hide aways, sleeping holes... playing holes for my fishes.
  3. Back. Been abt a week since i updated. And now... TA DAR!!!! Decide on maximum open areas for my tangs. So gone with two piles of rocks. One Main pile against the right corner of my tank and another 'vertical cliff'.
  4. Just went and bought myself a powder black. The price is UNbelievable, cheaper then my YT. Was feeding there and now feeding on nori within 30min of introduction into my Q tank. Still alot if u guys are looking for it.
  5. Yeah... a big majority of angels have a problems with corals and sponges in the same tank. Wanted a Queen too but cant bare to let go of my corals... Maybe will go into a strictly fish only tank next time.
  6. One of my fav. Interesting website for this species, Even teach u how to ###### them. http://www.csulb.edu/depts/biology/marine/..._Angelfish.html
  7. Thanks ian, but i'm was refering to the earspot angel la. Heee... Thanks weisoon, Wah... 300plus ah... hmm....
  8. i see, Thanks melvyn. Nice fish, havent seen it ard sg.
  9. Wash with tap water ah? Hmmm... Mine not green leh. Reddish color one. Will post pics when i get the cam this weekend.
  10. Never seen this this angelfish b4 locally. Is it rare? What the name for it?
  11. Hey guys, looking for a pump with a max capacity of 1500L to run my CL650. Please Pm me if theres any offer, Thanks.
  12. HAHA! My new tank now cycling leh. So now can see but cant buy much... Haiz...
  13. HAHAHA! OKOK! NO PROB! ANyway, been 'working' since 9am till now. Sand rocks all in... decom my 2feet, only left fishes and corals had transferred the rest over. Yt looks stunned... hahaha! Found a huge worm when i remove the sandbed!!!! Think its a fire worm, has bunches of red hair along it body. 14inches long!!! i kid u not guys! Freaky thinkin that i was happily stirring the sandbed few seconds b4... Dose it in fresh water Died immediatly... now in my plant pot. Wait for my mom to see this evening. Again no cam.. or else can take and we all can compare... see who's big. Now going Reborn, get some more LRs and some salt. Salt not enuff! Underestimated. Now tank only abt 4/5 full and the sump is still empty!
  14. Nah not bare bottom. Plenum cant work without sandbed. Will prob have about 2-3" of grade zeros on top of it.
  15. Woah... Not much now la. Havent even start cycle yet. Doing it slow, making sure that i have everything i wanted in it. (Also... financial liquidity la...) The last thing i wanna do is to strip down that tank to make changes... HAHA! Will try to get some more pics soon.
  16. AWSOME>>>>>! Very nice! Bro... what big blue mushrooms u have...
  17. Woah so fast post halfway u reply liao...
  18. Lastly my cannot make it yumas.... Dunno why the color doesnt seems to show up... hmmm maybe no color to begin with? Abit la... one is purple and green, one green and orange and one green and pink... Thats for now... Anything shoot shoot... try to answer. TOmorrow have to buy LRs... hook up chiller... put sand and base rocks into the tank... fil with water... then... wait...
  19. SMILE!!! Color pales out... shocked by the camera, never seen b4 la
  20. Only have four fishes in my 2ft. - Paired clowns. (Dont care true or false, they are my babies and thats that! ) - YT (Greedy crazy fellow, still remember how it refused to eat for almost a week when i first got it.) - Lastly a Strawberry dottyback. (Full of character... ) IMO together their colors compliments each other brillantly. Cant get them all together though... dottyback shy.... On top of that are the inverts and LPS. - 3 Pratas (one bleached... trying to nurse it back) - Some yumas - Metallic green and pink tip frog spawn - Cream Purple center Goniopora - Light green alveopora - Green bubbles - Some blastos Of course non which can compare... so better keep... More of my babies
  21. Guess thats abt all for now... Can only do most of the stuff on weekends. Since everyday work at 0730 and back home at abt 2000... Will try to get the cam and update again. Meanwhile... My babies from my current 2 feet. (Did i mention slow reflex, shaky hands and 'not so good' digicam?) Big difference with and without flash...
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