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Everything posted by haroldteo

  1. It against the rule if i Bid myself. some one offer me at my PM at $100.
  2. Starting bid will be $30 Min Bid -$2 Bidding ends on Sun, 15th June, 2359hrs. Collection : Simei St 1. Qty :1 Size : Close to a Fist size
  3. Starting bid will be $50 Min Bid -$2 Bidding ends on Sun, 15th June, 2359hrs. Collection : Simei St 1. Qty :4 Big Green and 3 Yellow.
  4. Interested in the items. ? PM then . Price is $40 each. Collection will be at Simei ( Near Changi Hospital ). Note : Picture of item are the same only at different lighting and closer shot
  5. Thread closed. Prata sold to aidegoh. Thanks for all yhe interest.
  6. Starting bid will be $30 Min Bid -$2 Bidding ends on Mon, 9th June, 2359hrs. Collection : Simei St 1. Open size: Bigger than Palm size
  7. I will end the Bidding. The Brian Coral goes to aidegoh. Will PM you
  8. Starting bid will be $30 Min Bid -$2 Bidding ends on Mon, 9th June, 2359hrs. Collection : Simei St 1.
  9. Collection place Near Changi Hospital or Simei MRT
  10. Eagle Zoo $35 and Yellow/orange with Green skirting $20. Take Both for $50/-. Interested PM .
  11. Simei Near Changi hospital> Interested PM
  12. Thanks for all the interest. Items Sold and Collected. Thread closed
  13. Hello , Would like to sell a) 5 Polys of Rics - $120/- Eagle Zoo $50/- Viewing at Simei, near Changi Hospital. PM if interested.
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