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Everything posted by haroldteo

  1. If can collect now > I offer Is $35 Hp 90600032
  2. ) Yellow Tang - $ 30 2) Royal Gamma -$40 3) Fire Shrimp-$12 4) Fire Goby $10 5) Hawk fish-$5 6)Sand shifting star- $5 Take All for $60. Come ..come .. help to clear my tank fast. PM.
  3. PM if interested . Collection Place : Simei , near Changi Hospital 1) Yellow Tang - $ 30 2) Royal Gamma -$40 3) Fire Shrimp-$12 4) Fire Goby $10 5) Hawk fish-$5 6)Sand shifting star- $5 All Live stock with me more than 1 year
  4. PM if interested 1) Eagle Eye Zoo - $25 2) Purple Face Zoo -$20 3) Yellow Centre with Green Skirting-$15 4) Pink Zoo-$15 Collection at Simei Near Changi Hospital
  5. Selling the item at $50/-. Collection place at Simei. Interested PM your Hp
  6. 1) Percula clown -Taken 2) Cleaner shrimp & Yellow Goby-Reefzz. 3) Mandarin - Randy 4) Royal Gamma - Seawater
  7. Miss 2 more fishes 8) Fire Goby $10 9) Hawk fish-$5
  8. Received so many PMs. I will contact each one by order. Either by PM or SMS. Thanks for all your support First in Line is ayane. Collection place is Simei. Picture ? Difficult leh ? Camera Shy. Shoot .. they hide
  9. The Winner is Seawater at $60/- Thanks for all the support
  10. The Winner is shootsimon at $52. Please bring pail or plastic. Thanks for all the support
  11. I guess the Winner is kevin33868. Please bring pail or plastic . Thanks for all the support
  12. Need to clear as soon as Live rocks taken. 1) Yellow Tang - $ 30 2) Royal Gamma -$40 3) Six Liner -$5/- 4) Yellow Goby-$5 5) Fire Shrimp-$12 6) Cleaner Shrimp-$5 7) Mandarin-$5 6)Sand shifting star- $5 7)True Percula Clown-$12
  13. It think my chiller will be a drain to cool your tank. Forget about mind. I suggest you get 1 or 1.5 Hp to cool your tank. My 2 cents worth.
  14. It is cooling my tank 3x2x2.5 feet tank. Come to view .
  15. Last Day . Come and Bid. Winner, if possible collect on Sunday morning between 9am -12noon. Please leave your Hp No.in my PM. Thanks for all the support.
  16. Last Day . Come and Bid. Winner, if possible collect on Sunday morning between 9am -12noon. Please leave your Hp No.in my PM. Thanks for all the support.
  17. Last Day . Come and Bid. Winner, if possible collect on Sunday morning between 9am -12noon. Please leave your Hp No.in my PM. Thanks for all the support.
  18. Currently I am using Hailie for 3.5 years plus and it has ben serving me quite well. On January 2008 , I have the fan changed. You are free to view and negotiate. I am decoming slowly. No obligation to purchase.
  19. Reserved by Reefzz. Pending collection
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