Ok ..here are the picture.
1)clown with white and yellow strip -$15/-
2) coral beauty - S8/-
3) Stoney Bleney ??- $ 5
Interested PM.
Heckers ..interested..PM .
Sorry ..for the late reply.
Hello I have the following to sell to reduce my bio-load.
1) 2 Yellow tang $ 28 /each 21/2 inch
2) 3 Purple Tang $38 / each 21/2-3 inch
All we me for 8 months. Eat everything.
BTW, stll in my 3feet tank. Yet to catch.
If interested ...please PM.
Hey .. when I bought the zoo from you, you confirm that there is no nudibranch.
But too mu dismay, yours is invested with nudibranch. Now , my own zoo are invested.
Why...did you have to sell ?