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Everything posted by Zac

  1. thanks lizard44 i will keep trying will update on the results again..
  2. hi venezia.. dont think its the one you talking of le.. i have the white colour wans too but this one got lots of legs and its brown in colour very fine legs like hair. donnoe if its safe anot le
  3. hi will it be able to fit the needlewheel from the macro pump?
  4. can ID this please. it lives inside my LR and it has many long legs coming out .. is it reef safe? will eat my LS? if so how to catch it out coz it will go back deep into the rocks..
  5. 2nd day of dosing sugar .. now my tank is milky liao.. so scary hahaha
  6. oh ya bro another thing. its ok to have LS in my tank when dosing right?
  7. yup i added 3 teaspon today.. water not clouddy le.. mines a 4ft tank.. do i dose everyday? when the nitrate drops to i stop dosing?.. pai say need to know more
  8. hi i heard its possible to get a rio pump and using the current needle wheel from macro 350 to replace the rio pump.. is it true and what model of rio pump should i get ? and does the needle wheel fit ? most impt does it improve the skimate produce? any advice?
  9. i feed my moorish idol with mysis swrimp and my MI loves it its really doing fine... i hope
  10. hi i too am willing to give dosing sugar a try.. initially when i started out i have been dosing volka on a daily basis. and on matter how much i increase my dosage i still couldnt get any better results. hope this sugar dosing will work for me . will post my result soon.
  11. nice hope to get one for myself too..
  12. er bro is it safe to add hermits? does it eat fishes?
  13. hi iori .. mine pecks on the rocks and nibbles on the brine shrimp that i feed .. think it should be feeding btw how do you train it to eat pellet food and what kind of pellet food should i buy?
  14. err thanks guys for the advice. maybe i was too fast and eager .. will cool things down ... i recently adding a FR with aquaz purephos hope it will help to deal with the diatoms
  15. Wow how did your nitrate dope so fast? can share?
  16. Cool good investment worth the money spend.
  17. Help... can someone ID this? found it in my LR is it reef safe? it has lots of fine legs extending to longest ard 7cm
  18. Moorish Idol in Tank so far doing well..
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