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Everything posted by Zac

  1. updates the hermit and coralbanded is reserved.. the rest still available .. ups
  2. hi all .. i received a small frag of sps from a friend .. but donnoe the species.. any special care to look out for? eg water flow, light level ect.. ?
  3. heres my new Prata always wanted to have one .. was looking for a red one actually but cant find it at all leh .. not fast enough to snatch i think anyway this one has a very nice green on it .. am equally happy
  4. another pic.. tried feeding a small market prawn as usual when dosing calcium and mg its feeding tenticles are out and it eats it alright
  5. heres a pic of my prata.. any specific name for it?
  6. pic of snowflake eel .. only its head very diff to capture
  7. last of all .. SnowFlake Eel.. $8 .. with me for three months plus.. eats market prawn... abt 10inchs sorry no pics yet.
  8. i have some fishes to clear pics will be posts with the price on it ..
  9. wow thanks shoelely didnt know heh bee also can
  10. oh i see ... think it sound more logical now
  11. shoelevy ... you have got a point there.. noted ..
  12. all for the wonderful insights.. i also dunnoe why when i dose ca and mg the feeding tenticles will be out .. funny thing is and night the tenticles never come out le.. bro shoelevy.. your friend got a interesting prata with an attitude bro prec.. will try feeding a cube of mysis when i see the tenticles again.. bro rav-65 .. just curious naturally in the ocean how does pratas feed and what does it feed on?
  13. for replying tansh. i found out that whenever i dose calcium and mg to the tank the pratas feeding tenticles will come out. wierd right.. so since the tenticles are out i feed it with market prawn. and it eat it . so is it a must to feed it at night? or can i feed it when the tenticles are out? sorry guys for the many Qns .... Peace...
  14. giantbicycle .. i read it liao but is there any special care to maintain and maybe boast its colours?
  15. Bro your tank is stunning... where can i get those nice rics and red pratas ? seems like always when the shipment arraived all kana snatch liao...
  16. hi all experts.. just brought a prata yesterday. its green colour very nice green. i placed it on the sand bed . any tips on how to feed prata and what to feed it with? or how can i maintain or even brighten up its colours? please advise me coz its my 1st prata.
  17. hahaha chucky. today i brought epoxy glue.. i strip off the silicon then i apply the epoxy glue.. hope it will work btw i understand your england .
  18. to all piping experts.. need help urgently.. yesterday i realised that my tank is leaking water drip by drip at a very slow rate.. think its is leaking from underneath the tank near durso pipe area .. use silicon to seal up the pipe conections, been running from more then two months suddenly found it leaking.. how should i seal it again as it is impossible to keep the connection dry le.. try using silicon but still leaks dunno where is the excact location that is leaking.... sorry abt the poor discription how you guys understand what iam trying to illustrate...
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