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Everything posted by Zac

  1. hehe thanks bro i will do the water change per week first then decide again hahaha ...
  2. bro no problem iniatial i was considering whether to get deltec anot too... but will considering the priec i decided to give this local product a try. u can come view it in action think wil be better right ? feel free to PM me if u want to come and view it
  3. Here it goes Skimate form in less than 1 day..
  4. bro u know me loh... i very kan choing wan.. hahaha.. teach me how to mke my sps color up more leh..
  5. oh good idea will do that
  6. Thanks BRo.. hmm so far Skimmer doing just fine for me.. no problem with the skimate but most impt iam quite heavily Stock and the nitrate level is still Zero so quite satisfied with the performance..
  7. my favourite new addition! 1 week old Yellow Blotched Anthias =)
  8. Tats all for now .. Will post recent pic soon IF got Time.. already got sps growth and a little bit of color improvements liao but still not good enough any advice on how to improve color ???
  9. Dunno what fish brought from fellow reefer.. ID please
  10. True Prec Brought a pair for $100++ but the bigger one died dunno why SAD ..
  11. BlueTang Initially got three small ones.. but now left two fat and healthy grow real fast
  12. Some Life Stock Pics didnt manage to take all yet here are the few tat i have taken so far Yellow Tang
  13. Some more FT shots .. diff angle.
  14. ok now for some Tank Shots.. Pics taken more than one month ago.. dunnoe how to take cant seems to get the Colour out..
  15. Time For some updates been so busy with work.... anyway first let me update my Equip List. HMMmm..... Still waiting for my new Sump to be Fixed up by AM... 4x2x2 tank 8x 54w T5 (2 Blue 1 Purple 1 Red 4 White) Return Pump- Aquabee6000 skimz s200/3 Skimz FR150 with sorb4 500gm CrystalPro 3 stage with TDS Meter Aquatronica Advance Package Marine Environment salt. Resun 650 Chiller 2xsieo 2 x 6010 controllable tunze COntrolled by Aquatronica CR from AM
  16. thanks bro will see to it soon
  17. hi how r u ?? hows the tank? gd i hope funny i got back a 4ft tank right
  18. bro iam using hydor seltz L40 think its 2800L/H
  19. Hey hi Belina and Gary.. hahaha added abit of LS liao ;p cant resist... but will be redoing my sump and pipings so will post after its done up btw belina hows ur new tank??
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