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Everything posted by Zac

  1. thanks bro you are very kind CNY SALE.. 4x2x2 12mm tank with hood hood attached with 2x 4ft T5 comes with 4mths old artinic blue and pure blue tubes. and DIY Moonlight. chengai wood shelf stainless steel stand 2x 150w 10k DE MH almost complete setup need to just buy return pump and its plug and play NOW all for JUST $500 call 98527990 for fast deal . viewings are welcome after WEDNESDAY at bukit panjang
  2. hey hi.. you from canada? yup its a bare bottom tank . still got alot to improve on... didnt want to add in bioballs or sponges in my sump(coz wan to keep it as clean as possible to reduce nutrient level) but my breckket skimmer is production micro bubles into the main tank. any suggestions? as for my setup i am thinking of upgarding my skimmer , two more 250 mh, and change a chiller more wave maker in my main tank .... will do that once i got $$
  3. bro no prob PM me anytime... but now still nothing to see scared you bored...
  4. hey no problem .. call me anytime to come over and give some advice.
  5. haha bro you are dont think can add sps yet.. still intending to get more wave maker and lighthings.. think must wait till i get them then dare to try.. thanks for all your help
  6. yes sir noted ... thinking of tunze but now have to wait for pocket to heal...
  7. yup its finally up... 'sweat' drag for so so long already..
  8. hi its last min did it at midnight so didnt call you .. thanks for your help bro
  9. thats all for now.. will update after i upgrade my equipments wish all a happy CNY
  10. right side of tank. wanna thank loster (gary) for all the patient and advice given to me
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