If you have a weak heart, please don't go any further.
This is quite shocking. He fell from a height and the impact caused him
to literally split open with his internal organs out. You can see the
horror on the faces of those around him. Pure disgusting. Reminds me
of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre... eee..
I am having a 6x2x2½
No Ca reactor
Skimmer running 24/7
Ca – 420
PH – 8.0
The rest forget liaoz…..
Go home and update again
My tank has been running coming two years
Hmm…….current …. I am putting it in direct blow
Will shift it away any see
Thanks Anyway
SPS expert ....
bought this SPS on Sunday night at 110
Until today it refuse to open
I place it about 7 inches away from my MH 150w
Wif strong current blowing
Water paramter is good
Why doesn't it open up?
Also, can tell me what specimen is this?
I used to have 3 different dwarfs together
They get along well, in my case
IMO, space is the crucial crtieria
The bigger your tank the more species you can have as they do not have to fight over territory
Yeah... was there yesterday night at around 7pm
St***n was about to go back already
He mention that the clam will be in soon
But neber state explicitly when
Then the one who pushes you will get into trouble
Hey, you are only nineteen
Yet to see what life really are
Not every is sunny day, but it will comes eventually
To ease your tension
I bring you go hanky panky ....