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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. IMO, put in the CB and give away all your SPS That solve the problem
  2. Yeah.... Its actually sitting on the underside of a dead goniopora? The base is too round Had a hard trying to find a suitable place to put it down firmly
  3. Check your test method I kenna once before The instruction Ang Mo veri Chim one For Salifert It says: Add with the 5 ml syringe 3ml of water ....... last time neber read properly, always test with 5 ml of water Calcium level always maintain well above 500 So happy Then one find day, good mood Read the instruction again The volume to be tested is actually 3ml and not 5 ml Damn .... Why can't they just be more straight forward
  4. thinks it an adopted terms here Light diffuser is the industry terms, I suppose
  5. Sounds interesting Can post a pic and see May get for my 2 ft tank
  6. Been surround by darkness sound scary You see where the lights shine Dunno whats behind or beside you
  7. Okie...okie... serious Is I~ref equate to iBox?
  8. can you give it to me FREE instead
  9. IMO, when you want something Should always gives the other party an opportunity to code you a price If s/he wanted to give you free, that will be great If s/he wants to charge you, you still have the option to buy or not to buy Anyway Billy, here your sroom
  10. On the safe side Avoid both families
  11. .......... hard question to answer I am quite confident it will not outlive me Its in my tank for more than a month already
  12. Yeap! The biceps may looks scary I have four fire goby in my tank And they are living harmoniously
  13. Sold to Cyclops Thank you for your attention
  14. Sorry forget the most important thing Selling at $15
  15. Proven to be super green algae eater Previously my tank was overtaken by green algae covering all the live rocks I bought three and they clean up all the algae within two weeks Selling one of the three that I have caught size about one inches in width (excluding the legs and claw) I am staying at Bt Panjang Pls PM me Priority will be given to those that can collect ASAP To curb 'aeroplane' behaviour I require buyer to transfer money to my bank account upon confirmation
  16. Lesson 923: Do not criticise others tank, setup, method adopted etc…. Best to keep quite or if you really buay tarhan must talk Must use word such as GOOD, IMPRESSIVE, INNOVATIVE, MARVELLOUS unless otherwise there is living evidence to support your theory/thoughs Thats the lesson I learnt .....
  17. Hammer is a LPS Moderate flow with moderate lights I squirt DT live onto their face
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