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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. For Nitrate, we have AZNO3 to remove it How about Nitrite? Besides reduce feeding and bioload Any medication to remove it? Thanks
  2. Nice rock Well covered with coralline algae However, your sun coral is not doing well
  3. Yah .... yah.... this one for sure will ive longer than you and me
  4. The one in ML is still there So big that it can swallow a tiger
  5. Is one enough to spread over an area of 3 by 2? To do that you have to lift it very high Which (1) very glaring to the eye (2) lesser the effect of MH
  6. Anemone floating Forgive my ignorance Neber heard or seen before
  7. 2 x 400w is the best it prepares you for SPS
  8. I think the question is.... where to keep after that ...
  9. I use to have problem with Mushroom It just keep melting away ... But recent intake are all very healthy and strong All stand high high and big big like taken ######
  10. I cruel by nature Not to late to know
  11. Yes, fishing line can't tell you how long What I do is leave the trap in there and feed them from inside let them get use to it then next Just have to wait and wait and wait
  12. Hahaha.... Anyway try this method It works for me
  13. You sounds like a pimp Can I be your VIP customer?
  14. Are you sure its does not release toxic when stress?
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