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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. Pls define "nice" hard coral ...... nope... only in display tank
  2. Along the role of shop facing Bukit Timah Road Near to one of the MRT exit When I first pass by both tank was with actinic lights only When I pass by again about an hour later, it is still on actinic light Very attractive indeed, especially the tank is fill with coral that glows under actinic light errr........ with such minimal lighting how long can the coral inside survival?
  3. Hahahahaha........ sorry but just feel like laughing when I read this reply You are so cheeky
  4. NononononONOo......... only blow up when necessary ...... erm... the last eruption was the pacific case two days ago
  5. Disclaimer: I did not pay anthias any commission neither did i bribe him
  6. errr..... what I am trying to say is that. do you think that small pieces of pebbles is heavy enough to counter your pull? Try it out... I bet when you pull hard on the string, the whole tank will topple and the door will not close properly fishes will escape When I do is too feed them from inside and not starving them. alternatively, tilt the door in a manner that only fishes of the size you trying to catch can go in. other bigger fishes can only watch from outside
  7. Went to Little India for lunch today and saw this half marine, half Luohan marine shop. Anyone been there? They have two nicely display tank and some fishes Anyone knows how long has the display tank been there?
  8. Okie I'll take care of sunday afternoon shift then
  9. Dinosaur


    As long as it small I am willing to buy over
  10. Dinosaur


    Serious What is the size? But...... how does it looks like and how much you willing to let go?
  11. I will....... thanks for your concern
  12. With you box sitting on the sand bed how are you going to pull the door? Even if the damsel goes in, you pull the door and the plastic tank will follow, which means they door will not be shut fast enough and properly, thus high possibility the fish will escape. The nightmare is that if they escape once, don't ever dream they will go in again. I suggest you use two sucker to hold the tank in position.
  13. Since you already brought it, bo bian Try to squirt bio plantom onto them regularly But remember, next time leave the poor jewel alone It will not survive long in a tank Your are wasting your money as well as killing them
  14. Oei! Give her some time lark! Although it has been quite long already But making progress leh ....
  15. It doesn't disturb my coral However, like AT mentioned MayB it will attack brain and meaty corals, I am not sure cos I never have these in my tank.
  16. Hi Jason, Hows your tank? Your giant clam? Have you sold you 6 footer?
  17. This is the light I have been using for the holder
  18. Go borrow, steal or rob then You very good hor .... open mouth only slash my price to almost half
  19. Selling of a 3 ft FL light holder for $70 Bought for around $130 (cannot really remember the price) It is capable of holding three 2½ ft tube and fit nicely onto a 3 ft tank There is no stand that comes with it but rest directly onto the top of the tank With Compliment: 1) One use Arcadia Marine Blue Actinic tube 2) One use Arcadia Day light tube 3) One use Arcadia Pink color tube Selling also a brand new 2½ ft Arcadia, bought at $29.00 Selling at $20.00 Interested buyer please PM me Delivery can be made depending on location (West preferred)
  20. Dinosaur


    paisei ......... forgotten the basic rules
  21. Dinosaur


    Any idea how much its selling at?
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