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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. This is what PS collected from morning till now
  2. Latest update The three remaining also dies Now I am left with a empty tank
  3. Anyone ? In the west region? Help me to collect? Please .........
  4. Beats me, Nope! I won't consider mine a powerful powerhead, its just a normal Resun 3000 (Those commonly sell in fish shop, black color one). My cuke was a pink color one, it seldom stays on the sandbed but like to moves between rocks ....... .. now the entire tank turns milky Water change, cardon, poly filter all deployed already What should I do next ???
  5. Feel like puking Yeah its the one shown in my avatar It is almost changed into adult form
  6. AT, It got stuck onto the guard When I discover it, there is still quite a lot stuck outside the guard I also dunno how it manage to get stuck there because the guard of the power head is hidden by some rocks that’s why I did not get to discover it earlier. Guess it must have been stuck there for quite some time before it breaks up and get into the propeller and gets grind into small pieces and discharge out to the water and kill the fishes Even with guard it is not fool proof The best is not to get these creature into our tank (lesson learnt)
  7. yes, already made 25% water change Very Xiong for a 6 footer use up half carton of my salt
  8. breeding it is more profitable that merely collecting Kapish!
  9. The other two survivor Henf ark! But the purple tang color fade away (the edge)
  10. Last update . three survivor Guess what ......... this bugger still alive tested and proven to be super duper hardy
  11. Yeah! The bright is that i can reconfigure what fishes I really want in my tank But its too high a price to pay
  12. Missing: 1) Purple Tang 2) Blue Tang 3) 2 Anthias 4) yellow Warsse And all the croals are not opening .....
  13. Emperor Also suppose to bring to Babycat tomorrow
  14. Lemon Peel suppose to bring to babycat tomorrow
  15. Thanks for all the concern and condolence I think I know what happen already Nope, the clam was perfectly healthy But while search for dead bodies found the sea cucumber stuck onto one of the power head Is the toxic from the power head going to kill the corals too???
  16. Just checked yesterday Everything was within range If I knew clam could do such harm I will never adopt it
  17. This afternoon arounf 2+pm when I look at them they were still very active. At 5+ pm, all was gone. Emperor Angel Frame Angel Lemom Peel Angel Purple Tang Bicolor Angel Yellow Wrasse 3 Anthias Regal Tang some were lying at the sand bed some parked vertically bwtween rocks motionless, other missing What happen? In the afternnon, I saw my new clam emitting some whitish substance into the water could this be the cause? or is it becuase I used sauperglue to glue one of my coral to the rock? What's wrong Most of them weas with me for years already
  18. Anyone staying in the west kind enough to collect for me first Unable to make it leh .........
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