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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. Agree with WM I got three and it works like magic Within weeks all the green algae are gone I am now back with all the coraline rocks minus green algae And today I spotted all three climb onto my finger coral and eating the transparent skin But abit expensive though .....
  2. A LFS coded $305 for one that is about 1 inches in length
  3. Try talking to him/her and see if it response
  4. Fish, found and died sounds like three independent word
  5. For Coco 110 selling at $23 Negotiable summore
  6. TOXIC I have developed phobia for this word Now whenever I heard this word My whole body starts shivering Nervous tension……. Mental strain
  7. okie I'll collect for you then you come and collec from me any outstanding amount?
  8. Look what I have discover The one and only survivial That day when I spotted her, she was lying on the sand bed breathing heavily Maybe she manage to find her way under the sandbed thus saving her own life
  9. looks like mine Dunno if its the same I got it for $7.90 3 weeks ago
  10. My full tank is about $50 5% equate to $2.50 About 2 litres It can gives me about 25 km longer travel distance Queueing up won't consume 2 litres of petrol, I suppose?
  11. Toa Payoh MRT, 11am to 12noon, Pls put down your name here! 1) yus...(got hit n run ya AT...hari raya la) 2) JC85 (sure hope I can wake up. ) 3) [P]owder Blue 4) Cedric (HP: 97651540) 5) Darren (dinosaur collecting for me) 6) Dinosaur (Best if can collect at Bt Batok, plssss.......)
  12. your rocks look weird coraline algae cover with a translucent layer covered Whats that?
  13. Sleepy alreadi For those who wants me to collect on behalf you can sms me at 96911184 Remeber to leave me your handle name and outstanding amount own.
  14. Your Vlamingi Tang [pic very blurr leh .... There's what i get from the web Althouth this species has a wide range in nature it is not common in the aquarium trade due to its inhabiting deep water. Very durable in captivity, hardier than for example, the common "Naso Tang" Naso lituratus Shown is a very large, fully developed male specimen http://www.themarinecenter.com/tangvlamingi.htm
  15. I am one of those culprits I actually encounter the TP too They ask me to move off I ask them base on what ground They LL ….. Yeap! I agree that it is causing obstruction But 15% leh ………… Since road allows people to turns into the kiosk Simply by queuing up does not breach any traffic offences They have no right to ask motorist to move off
  16. AT, Can I meet you up at Bukit Batok instead? I'll can also collect on behalf of those staying in the west region
  17. Dinosaur


    Is green cromis peaceful? I like their schooling behaviour When they are young, they tends to be green in color But will the color fade away when grown up? Now that I have a empty tank, I would like to introduce fishes that are of peaceful nature
  18. WoonMing, About your frag Can I ask what method you use to remove them from the main rock? Thanks
  19. except for this fellow Full bloom
  20. And this is what i am left with Lucky the corals still looks alright although not full bloom
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