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Everything posted by Dinosaur

  1. Diamond Watchman Goby will not have this problem It will not bring the sand high up and release Always perform his job at ground level
  2. Yeah.........yeah......... Every year also got fish Waiting for weekend 2358 9377
  3. Thanks Appreciated Think we posted almost the same time
  4. No doubts on its ability to free your tank from green algae Perhaps as WM has mentioned ITs too hungry now that all the green algae is gone
  5. Thanks So heart warming My wife is watching TV Think she forgot about it already Haiz ....... Got present not?
  6. I am now 30 years and 26 minutes old
  7. careful your finger It bites too
  8. WM, whats your emeral crab size Mine measures slightly more than an inches across according to the shell Could it becos it is growing too big
  9. errr........ what $1 story? I code $1 becos Govt pay $1 to accquire a piece of land So I also pay $1 to accquire you fish lor ....
  10. Guess what i have just spotted emeral crab trying to steal prawn meat from my bubble I though she is vegetarian
  11. Okie deal closed! Highest bidder at $1 Can I collect on Sunday I need you address pls
  12. hello, I am looking for Archilles Pls inform if spotted Thank You
  13. The best is use air pump to aerate the water overnight still water may have foul smell
  14. flubberina13 is a SHE?? drooling Hello Flubber
  15. regal Tang Thats very kind of you Whats the size, btw Can I pay you $1 to accquire Where you stay and when can i collect from you
  16. My tank got no fishes now *hint* *hint*
  17. Yes, don't ever remind me Anyway hjust tested my water Ca - 480 No2 - 0.025 No3 - 0 PH - 8.0 NH4 - 0 KH - 9 PO4 - 0 Time to stock up again Here I come my Power blue Here I come Ms LFS
  18. Commonly sold at around $18 For 35 Gal, I feel that one should be enough
  19. beautiful How nice if its not an angel I just manage to kill all my angels No more for me ........
  20. IMO, You need at least a canister filter Best if you can use a sump
  21. toothbursh to scrab off green algae Hmmm...... mayB we are talking about different kind of green algae Mine are just to hard to be scrab off
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