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Everything posted by iori_del

  1. OUtdated liao, as i got the last Royal out from there.. someone took all of them liao/ left 3 neon goby.
  2. sorry bro, newbie here just try to know more abt price as worried tat i kanna chop. sry bt tat
  3. ANyone selling the above? got aero plane by one of the ###### here and need to search again
  4. i use to run 2 x 2028. quite well, but then the down side is very troublesome to change the wool.. Why not getting a sump. like me, i finally change to sump
  5. when will be the good lobang coming in? wanted to run 2 H&S, pls advise
  6. i am newbie here, but just to check wat the pump used? same??
  7. Nice set up. but bro, can show how u place ur seio 820?? think u put it differently... why not try to set up like tunze design???
  8. like tat i also wan.. but any sponser can help us if we going to bulk buy???
  9. we need more ppl to chane to wave box... come ppl try them, they are good..
  10. well, they do like prata, lobo and brain more.. softer to peck on. maybe they like SPS too
  11. Any kind soul changing to Tunze Box?
  12. nice AT. huge teardrop... U must keep it alove for at least when it is bigger than roidan or weileong one. hehehe.. how i wish i have one...
  13. They do nip at coral... try puting a red prata or lobo or brain and test. they dun feed easily... price from $6 to $44 depend from the area being caught
  14. Tat AT must have been staying there.. hahah too near to India.. Alfa get us some more lighting
  15. Good luck bro, the price has soar very very high. the last guy selling his sec hand at $700 as SL have jerk up the price
  16. DUn know tat Indian Ocean got AT... what the price like? hheheh
  17. Hi anyone selling 6060,6080,6100?? Try to my to see any bro changing to tunze wave box... Have beem looking for them but due to $$$ have to get 2nd hand
  18. bro u are a very skillful reefer, go for a 4 ft or high one.. tat will keep the AT happy forever... BTW if letting go ur AT, remember to pm me hahaha
  19. AT in such a small tank.. nice nice
  20. hahha all the AT photo are out.. come on, more of them... BTW Alfa, any brighter AT photo?
  21. 6. Poor water circulation. this point quite important. My AT always like to swim non stop, got to get a 6100 for him asap....
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