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Everything posted by iori_del

  1. NIce hammer bro, but then i really dun know why recently so many coral and rock from Fuji??? i tot Fuji is in Japan and really high up, is there a lake there which is salt water?
  2. fish tend to breathe easier in low SG than in high SG and they dun need to get rid of so much salt thru their grill. So i think from 1.024 to 1.008 they fish will be able to cope, but if from 1.008 to 1.,024, it will be more danger as the fishes need to breathe hard. my 1 cent comment
  3. hmm for me i have try a few time which i just throw in my power black which is 1.024 at the shop to my tank 1.008 which is during hypo..
  4. i have a monk tang and maroon clown to give away, collect at my home...sembawang
  5. hi bro, since ur is a FOWLR, which dun u do the hypo at 1.008 when u spotted itch? i done it to mine when i saw some itch, and now my fish are all ok liao, then i slowly raise it back to 1.022. I think best is put all the fish into the main tank and drop and sg and hold it at 1.008. BTW how u measure the SG, hope not those swing or float meter....
  6. it will be better to have at least 4-6 week. The cycle of the ich will be completed abt 21 or more.. Hopefully ich will be gone
  7. u have my support, get the rock back and smash it infront of his house, if u need more ppl to go there, i am willing to make a trip with u, just remember dun beat or hit him, not worth dirtying ur hand
  8. I dun think the boss is a 18 yr old kids leh, the boss is a millionaire and his focus is simple, to earn money.. He is not here to save the marine mah. If we dun go, he willk change his way of business
  9. Happy birthday, look like u are getting near to CAT Z liao. must jia you, hahahah
  10. Good fish come with good price, i feel tat it is worth every penny
  11. so sad, bro think ur tank got ICH, better to leave the tank fishess for 6 week b4 adding, as the more fish u add, the more will get the white spot. MI wun hide, if u cannot see it, then it should be dead liao
  12. how abt closing it? think tat guy wun do it again laio or at least not the same nick liao
  13. hmm is this guy small size and wear spec???
  14. ok no problem since i am so free without any coral in the tank. Only fish. So anyone need my help??? hhaha
  15. Hi bro, u finally manage to set up liao.. Ur previous tank is so nice... hope to see it up and ur nice AT too...
  16. yup bro, always ask those funny Qn, dun even know him and ask me when free come and help him to rescrape his tank.. Like i owe him one...
  17. This guy got problem one, he always PM me asking me to help him get AT and ABT. Say his tank crash ask me to help him and also give me his num Tot he is a newbie and dun mind to tell Now very scare liao, if i happen to get the fish for him, he will just take and tell me he will pay other day... Is this his nunber "hp is 98829305 Pls be careful
  18. Tat great, going to add more tangs to my tank liao... BTW very nice AT..
  19. Bro i know u are very happy to share the pic with us. But pls read up and learn how to resize before u flood the whole thread with giant Pic. Pls try to read up or find our Mod Deepblue
  20. hahah yup tat wat i think too. at least got 6 month warranty, but really hope to find a 6080 lrh...
  21. ANy one? pls tell me, willing to get asap from u all. thanks
  22. From Henry, he say tat those with 6 stripes are male, those with 4 are female. I just got a pair from him. Wonder if they will breed soon, hahah
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