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Everything posted by tayhonglee

  1. here are some pics. looks amazing man. even though the pics are a little over saturated, look at the contrast! just about peed in my pants at work.
  2. hey,im looking for it too! what are the odds....hehehe did you have any luck with it so far? i tried petmart, but they do not carry this product.
  3. how about this? should be enough to keep your water super clean http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...c=53114&hl=2014
  4. there's no need to keep squishing him right? no need to for so many disparaging comments. lets give him a little breathing space
  5. its pretty easy. goes like this cost per month = ($0.2164 X 150W X ?hrs X 30 days) / 1000 i just calculated the cost of running my tank a few days ago. damn siong man
  6. hi guys, im selling my brand new weipro 2014 venturi skimmer + 3500L/hr Via Aqua pump for $90. skimmer hasn't even touched water before. took out of box to take pictures. the pump was used it for a few days only before, so its in great condition (almost new). comes with original box and accessories (flow control valve, venturi, elbows, joints, etc). however, it is missing the small piece of sponge that is in the pump casing (really couldn't find it ) collection near boon keng mrt. please pm me if interested k? thanx! henry
  7. still available! collection near boon keng mrt
  8. woohoo! nice! show us the whole built in cabinet with the tank leh. i have a suggestion. why not keep goldfishes? i have a friend who keeps big fat goldfishes (the really golden looking and fat kind, dunno what name) in a six footer with metal halides. look like shining swimming gold. really quite spectacular, esp. since his tank has black background and base. the rippling effect on goldfish is stunning. i don't know what temperature are the bulbs....looks like 10K but not sure oh yeah, i can't find the book on decorating aquarium in amazon, so can't link it to you. but you should be able to find in popular. i saw the book about 3 weeks ago at the toa payoh branch
  9. oh yeah, i saw the pic with buddah head before. looks very nice. there's a book that i saw in popular a few months ago about decorating aquariums. some of the pics are a little unconventional, but very interesting nonetheless. i try to find the link first
  10. dang, what are you going to keep next for your built in tank? love your tank thread man. post here lah. even if its not marine, im sure most people (me for sure) would love to see how your tank is doing.
  11. could be parasitic snails man. i was just reading it in rk mag. http://reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-09/jf/index.php
  12. t5s are more than sufficient right?
  13. how about this malformed imbecile? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...opic=52289&st=0 As the title of the topic goes: ****PLS IGNORE THIS CHARACTER**** If everyone ignores this character, then he may stop posting -Mod#1
  14. your planted tank shiokshiok! love it man. but somehow reminds me of hair algae. then get frustrated at mr phosphate. then look a bit more, and then get angry liao.....
  15. hi guys! im looking for some live rocks. please pm me if you have any for sale. main thing is that they cannot have copper treatment before, coz im going to keep corals and inverts. thanks! henry
  16. hey cherm, ozonisers are pretty useful. i use it myself before. going to use it again for my new tank. cheap ozonisers costs approx. $70. cheap controllers are around $180. maintain at around 350~380mv for great clarity. ozone gas is kinda poisonous though, so its best to use carbon at the outlet of your ozone reactor (which could be your skimmer). theres a good review of hailea ozoniser here http://www.arofanatics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=196489 and a good review of the crappy enaly here http://www.arofanatics.com/forums/showthread.php?t=194087
  17. if i remember correctly, the 'i' in 'i' system stands for idiotic
  18. woohoo! thanks so much everyone. really really appreciate it....my tank coming on saturday, thats why so urgent. thanks again! henry
  19. i looked at lfs before, but cost is about $70 leh. bigben, where did you get yours?
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