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Everything posted by clowntrigger

  1. Hey, anyone out there using Panasonic X66 mobile phone. I would like to know how to get rid of the operator logo. Any website to download an empty logo(using GPRS)??? Thanks.
  2. Can anyone suggest how do you better prevent leak when using eheim 1250 pump externally? I am refering to the intake part, it is being protected by old ring, that all. Can I used those silicon grease that you apply to diving equipment to get a better seal? Any proven suggestion will be appreciated, thanks.
  3. Hi AP Sorry it take such long to get back to you on the photo of the FISH, as you know it is so fast that I cannot take a snap shot of it. So something better than none, have take a mpeg of it.... HPIM0011.zip
  4. One more item to add, how many powerhead are in the water and what is their wattage....
  5. just want to add few comments when choosing a chiller, this is how I view it IMO a. Tank size with Dimension not in gallon or litre. Include the size of sump as well. b. Type(T5 or MH) and wattage of light used. c. What Temperature does chiller cut in and out. This is based on the chiller internal thermometer. d. Total time needed for C to happen e. At what time of the day is D being measure, Afternoon or night? Must be with full light on listed in B. f. the temperature recorded should be base on a external thermometer and not the chiller internal one. All measurement should be base on a external thermometer. Take note that item F make alot of different, if it is a internal one, once the chiller start, immediately you will see the reading drops in respect to the external thermometer which might not even change. That is why people always claim that in 15min, the tank will drop 1 degree, I strongly believe this is base on the readout from the chiller and not the external thermometer. What I have listed is what I think the most important factor to consider when chosing a chiller with actual results tested by each chiller owner.
  6. Mould on the wall behind the cupboard or fish tank will strike first if these are all in the room. From my experience, never ever have buildin furniture made of MDF board touching the floor, you might not know when your fish tank water will flow and touch these furniture. Trust me, it happen to me when my house was flooded overnight from the fish tank and my buildin furniture was damaged by the water as these MDF board absorb water alot. Once they absorb, it will pop up, like a big big blister!!! Never ever assume that things do not leak.... just take additional precaution... After that incident, I am still very paranoid when I am sleeping in the night...
  7. Interested please PM me with your price . Self-collection at my place at the west side.
  8. Selling the damsel at S$40. Interested please PM me. Self-collection at my place at the west side. Detail of this damsel: 1) Bought 3 weeks ago. 2) Size = abt 3.5 cm. 3) Mix well with my other fishes like Tangs, Anthias, Hawkfish, Six Line Wrasse n etc. Infact when it is first introduce, it is being attack by fish of the same size. after which it is a peaceful creatures. 4) An algae eater. 5) NOT A REEF-SAFE damsel for this guy. That's the main purpose I need to sell him off. He has attacked most of my SPS & my Lobed Brain Hence, who ever interested on him MUST BE having Fish-Only-Tank.
  9. ok here you go, sorry for the messy state in my tank..... Will try to take some close of of him over the weekend.
  10. Yeap, beside Irawana, the one where all the tanks are inside the shop.
  11. If you want a good and healthy specimen of lieutenant tang, try RW, I got mine from him. Just keep a look out for shipments from Maldives.
  12. strange, I scan and find nothing. Should I remove the file?
  13. Hi guys Need to know where can I get the attached fabricated. I need it to be in stainless steel and able to withstand the weight of a normal 4ft MH light resting on it(approx 12KG). As for thickness, as long as it will not bend under the weight of the MH, I am fine with it. Doc1.doc
  14. lck110 Kole Tang, yellow Tang, Juwel Damsel(very nice), blue spotted jawfish, King Angel, Queen Angel, very small blue tang, cortez Angel and many more...
  15. PR at Balestier got lots of cleaner shrimps(various sizes), fire shrimps and very nice 1-2 inch PB tang......
  16. bought the mother monti from Phang about 10 months ago, here is the picture how it look like back then...
  17. well here is mine. The first pic is the mother, while the second one is the frag from her. All these have been kept under T5.
  18. if your cyano is so bad, when you change the water, try to siphon them out as much as possible. In the process you will remove some sand, wash the sand in fresh water and put it back into the tank. This is what I do when I have a cyano outbreak, you will see that in a week or 2, the cyano will disappear. Provided during this time you are also controlling the input of nutrient.
  19. If your sand is having Cyno, the cuke will not touch it...
  20. Was there yesterday, they have alots of altantic blue tang, most of them still in the bag, only see 3 of them swimming in the tank..
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