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Everything posted by woonming

  1. It is rathe safe u can used super glue gel brand locktie i think..
  2. Thanks DeepBlue & vagabond we are working out details if we could get colors dye on the epoxy
  3. i can help get items printed if need just pass me the artwork
  4. Lin how about a BBQ for reefers ? At a weekend ? Hehe
  5. Very nice AT you got there. Must be your food source as the pictures shows the AT is very fat
  6. wow nice stuff and very much value for $$
  7. Hi aStRoBo| dont mind me adding on to your iwarna thread. There are still many nice colonies of sps in iwarna for sale today. Heard from a senior reefer there are some pieces which are rare or rather hard to come by. Polyart is having a sale on aquaphos ... not sure on the pricing but if i am not wrong 1000ml is selling off at $49 and 500ml is selling off at $35 Ming
  8. LOL..... real or not real only williammuk/WM/typrobin/diabolus/lin/drevil/kee/35cents/shriza/(i forgot the last guy nick) would know keke! Diabolus i might not be able to go for the next gathering. Would be overseas.. Have fun and try changing the color ......
  9. Those pair worth !!! premium $$$
  10. Lin try not to show decentXXX fishes picture ! He has a weak heart LOL..
  11. PO4 media lifespan is very much decided on each reef tank bio load and systems. Using a good PO4 test kits would help you on knowing when a change of media is needed. You can remove the thin layer of oil by using an overflow box. (check out our sponsor IAN for an overflow box) or using a surface skimmer and hook up to a canister filter. Hope this helps.
  12. Ocean Planet Stock: Achilles Tang Bartlett Anthias Flame Angel Lemonpeel Angel Potter Angel Yellow Tang Chevron Tang.
  13. Let me know if u need help i am lvl 60 paladin...
  14. I used Golden Pearls 500-800 microns and mix with Classic Blend (nanno) with water and feed my suncorals using a pipe ... The pic above i not mine my corals will post mine soon hehe
  15. Deepblue these are for you Found them from a reefer tank reddish suncorals Orange middle and reds at the side.
  16. Hi, Thank you Lester for the help, but due to limited stock, it is only available at the below list fish mart. Marine Life Iwarna Aquarium Reborn Aquarium Petmart Pte Ltd Ocean Planet Polyart Aquarium 24hrs Aquamart Pte Ltd Bio Ocean Aquarix Carbphos Premium™ 500ml - Retail $24.00 Purephos Premium™ 500ml - Retail $28.00
  17. Then i suggest you playing undead You love it even more.. PM me when you start playing ok. if you are coming to my relms the guild i am in is very helpful and working together as a guild sharing items
  18. Happen to get another account thus need to sell off one Selling away World of Warcraft account.... PM me if you are keen Ming
  19. Happen to get another account thus need to sell off one Selling away World of Warcraft account.... PM me if you are keen Ming
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